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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Diablo Contrary to this sub I really don't want D4 to be PoE with a Diablo skin.

    Diablo Contrary to this sub I really don't want D4 to be PoE with a Diablo skin.

    Contrary to this sub I really don't want D4 to be PoE with a Diablo skin.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    Unpopular opinion, but PoE's itemization isn't great, nor is the game the end all be all for ARPGs; it has big ass flaws that people use mental gymnastics to ignore. I wanna say 80% of the actual items that drop are absolute trash and a whole lot of trash drops constantly, hence loot filters that filter out the 80%. Most of the time you aren't even hunting loot, you're hunting currency, lots and lots of currency to maybe make that one item that might let you survive getting one shot in maps. To me, that's boring, I'd rather go kill bosses and get uniques and sets like I did in D2, which sounds like what they want to return to in D4.

    I would like both games to succeed and I would like both games to be different.

    submitted by /u/Vomitbelch
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    A question Diablo 4 Devs should be asking themselves: Do they even know why D2 itemization was dropped in the first place?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    Its a really simple question and it should give anyone involved with diablo 4 itemization pause. The reason why this was done may not be clear to any D4 Dev working on this project 8 years later, especially if they had nothing to do with Diablo 3. Answering this question is important - did Jay Wilson and the D3 Dev team make the right call? Was it about the system itself, or other concerns related to the game? Was it community pressure? What were the reasons for the shift? Why did it end up with the system on release only to be significantly changed later?

    I suppose I should try to give some semblance of what I mean by itemization. First and foremost I am referring to the different 'types' of gear that could drop: White/Magic/Rare/Set/Unique/Crafted. In diablo 2 items of all these types could have a purpose and I guess it is the structured variability in the loot hunt this is to some extent focused on. I can't really get into how diablo 2's itemization relates to specific builds, stats, or skills based on weapon damage versus those that are not - that would derail this post entirely and its already long as it is. But I doubt having some characters/builds not based around weapon damage had some advantages and was critical to its success. I can't also afford to talk here about the viability of builds using rare items in full because they're quite specific and i'd have to spend some time really illustrating the differences between one build just around uniques/rune words and those using magic/crafted/rares.

    Diablo 2's items had the advantage that some of the affixes/suffixes had different ranges from one another making it possible that a magic item, in the context of a certain build, may be better than a rare item. For example, a magic ammy can roll with +3 to a certain skill type with 100 life, whereas a rare ammy may only roll with +2 of a particular skill or +2 to all, and a max of 60 life(? its not higher than this). Rare rings could roll with faster cast rate/strength/life/all resistance which would be better than your unique stone of Jordan. The unique interplay in the variability of these items to roll different stats not only in their variables but their ranges led them to be interesting and kept the game interesting longer than simply being 'beatable.' There were also a number of stats that were not directly related to output of sheer numbers in terms of life and damage that varied what you might emphasis. Things like Deadly strike, Crushing Blow, faster cast rate and IAS were only available on certain gear types and on certain gear, crafted, rare or unique. You actually had to choose and juggle what you would get and from where and your plan could be totally changed by finding an amazing item in the middle of this.

    I know that breakpoints were a result from how diablo 2 was made - but it really reinforced - as artificial as it was - structure in what you could or could not do with pieces of gear for an optimized build. You could add 'more damage' in some cases but there could be real tradeoffs on other stats. You had to make real choices how and why you met them. It also lend to some really interesting builds, but also builds that could really were best served by magic, rare, or crafted items.

    For those not fully aware as to how varied itemization was and how varied it could be:

    In Diablo 2 White/Ethereal/Socketed item could be more than just garbage - many of them could have real value as an item base particularly for a runeword or as a imbueable base for a rare item.

    Some magic items could be incredibly niche - even BIS. http://i.imgur.com/KMrmeim.jpg http://khang-nguyen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DuskShroud.png https://i.imgur.com/9iB4Ttc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4gga82a.png This is just a few.

    https://i.redd.it/bfbyifvm0h9z.png https://i.gyazo.com/5d3764ea8ef86fcbb5aa3e9d09c3850a.png

    I'm also slightly biased since I last played javazon on hardcore ladder. http://i.imgur.com/wsCqmUO.png But these "Godly" items could include magic items for other characters. Another example is https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Nagelring_(Diablo_II)) being replaced by a magic 40 MF ring(Can't find an image - figures - I never managed to find this in game). Keep in mind true "BIS" for a build in diablo had like an infinitesemly low drop chance and even more importantly, likely needed other impossibly difficult to min/max.

    Rares were the best items in many cases. Some crafts could be used in lieu of rares depending on the slot/build.

    https://i.imgur.com/THkjPoq.png http://i.imgur.com/UXtORoo.pnghttps://www.diabloii.net/gallery/data/642/rare_tri_res_mf_boots.jpg http://i.imgur.com/sJvp7xr.png

    See also a Lower Resist wand - this could also spawn as a magic item as well https://preview.ibb.co/d7tNY7/wand.png

    Unique items were, well, unique. Some had no variable stats at all. Some often had one - by variable I mean the range, not the as to what stats it would have. Some of these items you could even find in normal and nightmare difficulty and it would be relevant to your build. See for example https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Magefist_(Diablo_II)) or https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Gull.

    Often unique items were 'placeholders' good enough but eventually phased out by a godly rare or even better unique.You might use a Gazehttps://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Vampire_Gaze or guillames face https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Guillaume%27s_Faceuntil you have a crown of ages. https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Crown_of_Ages or of course https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Peasant_Crown o rhttps://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Tarnhelm until shako https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Shako.

    I don't think I have to explain how runewords could have a clear impact on builds - they could give you skills or auras you otherwise would be unable to access. They could, like uniques, be core parts of your build. Enigma is obviously the best example of this - Enigma was the great equalizer in this game and increased the 'viability' of other characters both in PVP and PVE since teleport in this game is.... pretty overpowered.

    They were nevertheless hard to find - especially the good ones and many would be only slightly beaten out by godly rares. Many of the people who continue to say "D2 itemization sucked I just used runewords and uniques" didn't even look for these items and they realistically don't need to: diablo 2, even hell difficulty, is an easy game for PVE. That much Jay Wilson was absolutely right about - many people misremember how easy this game was. This is partly because these types of games - the isometric top down - are generally easy - gear is obviously important but so its positioning and patience. Mechanics can be ignored when you vastly overpower the gear check. Diablo 3 on release was the inverse of this - Act 1 inferno was difficult but doable, but you needed gear from act 3 and act 4 to do beat act 2 reliably. Hence the Corpserunning and exploiting resplendent chests to get around this in Diablo 3 on release.

    The Itemization is why Diablo 2 still takes forever to gear up without someone duping/importing items and still remains interesting, since there so many tiers and each possible drop - White/Magic/Rare/Unique/Crafted all have a role to play in getting the best items. You're not permanently hunting one or two classes of item for your build, quite literally all of them can be extremely relevant.

    Its hard to see Diablo 3 dropping Diablo 2's itemization because it "didn't work". If you went through the comments from Jay Wilson or the D3 Dev team you won't see this claim being made - nor do we ever seer mentioned that the type of itemization made in Diablo 2 was somehow impossible for the D3 engine. Nor do we see anything about it really being unsuccessful. There are no doubt some stats in diablo 2 that aren't helpful like +1 light radius, but the system as a whole is successful and keeps people playing game even now - even those who don't even pvp. Its possible that the D3 devs thought that making items around breakpoints no longer necessary since they were a product of D2's engine/style but it still doesn't really explain some of the crazy changes to itemization we saw on D3's release.

    We don't get any real reasoned analysis for why it was dropped. It was most likely dropped because the D3 Dev 'consulted' the 'community' - posters who had access to the Diablo 3 forums prior to release either through a WoW sub or SC2 license(no 'classic' games, D2/SC/WC3 could post). These posters all aggregated on one type of itemization - everything was to be purely random - because in their view, everyone 'wore the same gear' such as 'enigma, hoto, war travs, shako.' This is just generally untrue except perhaps in the context of MFers but is often repeated. It however belies an ignorance of the game since Mfing was basically the 'start' to building other characters - those who only ever made this character just scratched the surface of what this game could offer, but this is the subject of a future post. This attitude resulted in a situation where Legendaries were all random except one stat. Rares purely random. Magic gear purely random. Even sets the stats were extremely random - not in terms of variable in terms of range, but what stats you could get. I still have some of this gear from that time. An additional part of this vision was one which limited trading entirely. They only got part of what they wanted: the almost universally random items on release. These are the people who 'like showing off their gear' who the D3 Dev appears to have sought to cater to. They disliked trading and fundamentally treated Diablo 2 as a solo experience. Their extreme views as to how this game was to be played were however privileged - again, you can go back to this time period and read the posts for yourself. Its the only real plausible explanation for the item system on Diablo 3's release.

    There is a term for these types of people - "Harbinger's of Failure.' Listening to them can spell doom for a product. http://news.mit.edu/2015/harbinger-failure-consumers-unpopular-products-1223

    They are and were fundamentally a minority in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. I've seen like two or three of these people in game and I've played thousands of hours in diablo 2. I don't even know at this point how many hours, its too many. Its hard to conclude that the D3 Dev rejected the diablo 2 system because it didn't work - it was done because they thought these people spoke for everyone playing diablo 2 despite Diablo 3's forums not even allowing those with only a diablo 2 license to post. You will see people at the time, rather prominent people in the Diablo community like Clan-Iraq, warning the D3 Devs about what will happen. They were not listened to because numbers prevailed over careful analysis. The inevitable proof is the fact that D3's itemization was terrible on release with this system only being replicated by Apex Legends, where again they were purely random because nobody knew what they were doing when designing it. Both games paid a heavy price for it.

    If you go back and reread the posts - and the fact that 'Jay Wilson consulted the community" a comment which can be identified, and you are open to or accept my conclusion, you have to face the fact that the D3 Dev seems to have abandoned what worked without any justification beyond 'it was popular' based on the information they were drawing off of. Its better that you acknowledge this fact if true than to ignore it. Even if there are internal deliberations that we the playerbase aren't privy to it would behoove you to review the reasons why and really consider them. You need to decide why you should not merely revert back to Diablo 2 as opposed to building off Diablo 3. There are a lot of people who have played Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 who are deeply critical of 3's itemization. Diablo 3 desperately needed ROS to work - and one of its key promises by Travis Day was to 'fix' the itemization. RoS really didn't deliver much but it did make the game palatable by abandoning itemization in place on release. If you go back to the Diablo 3 forums prior to ROS - people were very sceptical of the itemization changes. ROS only sold 2.7 Million copies on release in its first week.https://www.usgamer.net/articles/diablo-3-reaper-of-souls-27-million-in-sales-shows-decline. This no doubt had something to do with the reservations about itemization fixing anything in the game: its one of the reasons I never bought it. At the time, the ROS team would have been hard pressed to do anything other then what would have made the game passable considering the state of Diablo 3 - and this was the goal at this time. It did however fix one of the core problems with the game - making ANY of the possible drops - Magic, Rare, Set, Legendary, into a stable source of value/progress. Its part of the reason why ROS had a shot at retaining a playerbase. But it only seems to have rehabilitated Set/Legendaries(basically uniques now), not the other two categories.

    Building off of Diablo 3's system in ROS vs Diablo 2 should be a legitimate question - Which one is better? Why? What do we gain by embracing and building off either? Diablo 2's system doesn't appear to have been abandoned for any reason that was publicly discernable relating to its precepts. Instead it seems like the D3 devs listened to a very distinctive minority group with unusual tastes and without considering the consequences of embracing their preferences - to Diablo 3's peril.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAwayLurker444
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    Still Relevant After 5 Years: Character Development Biggest Offender, Not Drop Rates.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    Diablo IV systems and features panel

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    I'll be editing in as much as I can as they talk about various things.

    Classes: sorc, barb, druid SO FAR. Will have 5 on release

    Sorc: fire, cold, lightning skills

    Spark skill that allows you to teleport and deal damage

    Cold skills cause chill effects

    Barb Master if wep, melee physical attacks, can equipt more legendaries than any other class

    Druid- instant transformations between all 3.

    • Skill and talents

    As you level you get at least 1 skill points, you can spend them on 1 new skill or make one you already have stronger. You can also get them in world via skill tombs.

    As you add points into a skill lit will not only increase in effectiveness but it will also gain different abilities, one still could at max level get you out of CC mechanics by becoming an 'unstoppsble' status, basically immune to cc for a period of time.

    Showing off full sorc talent tree... Basic stuff.

    Check out streamers for more details

    Dungeons are private, can group up to 4 people

    Campaign areas are private as well. Until you complete the objective

    You will see people outside of you party, in events or just running around. There is open world pvp.

    Some places can have more people outside of your party, others can have less. It's variable in the over world. Most of the time you'll be alone.

    Towns will have randoms too

    People can get invited into other parts of the story of they want to help.

    2 player couch coop on consoles

    You can play alone. All the best items and content can be consumed in a group or solo.

    You choose if you want to play solo or in groups

    • Dungeons

    Random, dark, dangerous,

    Buildings and exterior dungeons are both random.

    No more loading screens to go from level 1 to level 2 in dungeons

    • Dungeon features:

    Random events: no longer restricted to specific places

    Dungeon objectives: completed by doing specific things, like killing a sea witch. As you make progress the monsters notice and send elites to attack you.

    Still exploring more dungeon features

    End game dungeons:

    Must have varied and strategic depth, player agency

    Dungeons key, activates certain dungeons, some more difficult than others, and has affix(es)

    lots of different affixes compared to affixes on elites in d3. Sounds like they're going all out on this. Can salv dungeon keys for crafting materials


    Fallen lunitics, part of a family, each different mob Ina family does different things.

    Skele family:

    Sword skele, sheild skele, ax skele, and skele ballista.

    Skele ballista from d2, choice, kill the group or the ballista far away

    Elites: mortor and frozen

    Enchanced affixes

    Takes base power and improves. Skele ballista goes from 1 arrow to multishot.. fallen shaman could rez multiple fallen

    Evade ability, dash away or into action.

    Certain Class skills get unstoppable status, allows you to get out of CC. Each class has some.

    Bosses have new stagger system. You can bring it cc effects against bosses. Fills the stagger bar, which causes something unique to happen. Boss at blizzcon loses its claws that stop giant sweep attack to not happen

    Items- normal - magic- rare - legend/set - ancient leg/ancient set - mythic

    Chd, crit chance, cdr, damage bonuses, are all coming and more not mentioned.

    Legs need to be as good or better than sets

    Taking a look at teleport.

    Each Item shown have 1of these affixes

    Tele gets a damage red.

    Get cc

    Can use cc as much as you sent

    Lightning Nova when you land

    Mythic here 4 leg buffs

    Runes, condition and effects. Eg when you use a potion you get crit chance for 7 seconds


    • Monitization?

    buy base game and expansion. Will not sell "power" aka no p2w

    • Build customization, only though items?

    More options than just legs. More points into skills will improve it like making it an unstoppable skill from above. Not just +10% damage.

    • Will I be able to solo/ offline mode?

    No offline mode. Nothing requires grouping

    • Trading? How will it work? D2, d3?

    3 types of items to trade.

    Items that can always be traded

    Can only be traded 1 time

    Can never trade

    Give feedback on this online please but be constructive

    • PvP, going to effect pve?

    Same items, skills in pve and pvp. They think the best items and skills in pvp will be different than in pve. Will require hands on balancing.

    • Legendaries, how common, d3 style or d2?

    Will not rain from sky, harder content means better items, no modifying drop rates as you go up in difficulty

    • Speed of combat more like d3 or d2?

    Keyed dungeons pace of combat will be different dungeon to dungeon based on the objective and affix, some will rush you others will require slow play.

    Can't talk on other end game content yet

    • Item randomization? Each item be random or static?

    Will be random in a range. Won't be just attack/def.

    Want to support customizatzing affixes, not sure how yet

    • How will game be supported after launch?

    Will have seasons, change player experience season to season, not sure how yet but 1 idea is having new legs per season or improved legs per season

    • Will we have hc in d4?

    Of course.

    It's been specifically requested to post constructive feedback online please do this but remember there's a difference between complaining and giving feedback

    submitted by /u/iBleeedorange
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    It's a "Loot Hunt" game...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    Just to add my 2cents into the wall of voices screaming back their feedback.

    Diablo is and always has been at it's core, a loot hunt game.
    You kill monsters to get loot.
    that loot makes you powerful.
    you kill stronger monsters.
    you get more loot...

    The single greatest reason that DiabloII is so loved by it's community, is that even after almost 20 years... I'm still excited when Andariel drops a ring... or a rare maul drops when i'm crawling through kurast on my barb.
    And the reason for this is that items are interesting, they have stats and affixes that force you to make decisions. They are cool and often build defining.
    Let's look at an item from DiabloII
    Now how many people look at that and get excited. And the funniest thing of all is that most of the time this item is just shrugged off onto a mercenary and forgotten about. But it is still used for so much more.
    The Fade Proc is often used by even top tier builds to help them overcap resists.
    The Venom Proc allows a levelling player, or a mercenary to scale above their normal stats.
    The +2 Assa skills makes it an insane pickup for any assassin.
    The 45%!!! Attack speed, ON A BODY ARMOUR... that alone can allow some builds to work at some points of the game, and players with higher knowledge will understand that skills like placing traps work off attack speed, and will use it to speed farm maps like Cows.
    Faster Hit Recovery always helps, adds up to hit breakpoints.
    A touch of resist which is necessary for any builds.
    And gold find which many players ignore, but some find ways of creating intense gold farm characters.
    Now that's just the base stats of the runeword, let's just gloss over the fact that a player will decide which armour piece this runeword goes into, locking some builds out of it due to stats, or making it an excellent option for a mercenary.

    There are many items like this, Treachery just happened to be the first item i scrolled past.
    And i'm not saying DiabloII's loot is perfect, it's far from it, there are just as many useless items that struggle to find a home due to being too uninteresting, or overshadowed by other popular options. But the point is that even a rare item dropped from a fallen, can stick with a character for a long ass time, or even be the GG item that you will gawk at for years.
    Every item dropped COULD be insane.

    DiabloII's loot is interesting.

    Now to compare this to diabloIII
    This item has 4 core stats, which are exactly the same as any other legendary weapon, they just roll a number, and if those numbers are better you use it.
    Rare items are exactly the same except they have less max stats that they can roll, so a rare will never outclass a Legendary.
    The single interesting part about the weapon is the Secondary effect that changes how a skill functions, these can often be interesting, but work similar to how a rune effects a skill in that game, and most of the time you are forced out of these options due to being forced to wear a whole set or two. So not only are the base stats completely mindless with no decision making, the one interesting thing about the item is often not usable because they have decided to make items skill modifiers rather than stat bases that buff your base character.
    If you were using this item, there would not be a single weapon you could pick up and be interested in, even think about using... because there is no stat variation... the only thing better would a better rolled version of the same item..
    The amount of legendaries i have just ignored in diablo3, because even if it was perfectly rolled i couldnt use it...

    Bottom line there is no decision making in DiabloIII loot. not once do you consider +1 all skills over +40% enhanced damage, or a proc, or more magic find, or faster cast rate... Resists don't really exist, so you arent constantly trying to solve the puzzle of max resist from gear, whilst also keeping a healthy balance of damage/utility.
    armour is also another non-stat which is there.. but functionally and from the players perspective, there is no real interesting decision making around it and it doesnt do anything apart from %less damage taken...
    The whole game is reduced to pumping damage, and toughness. which is often decided for you by the comparison on the item you are considering.
    Outside of getting a near perfect rolled item in my early days of d3, i havent felt a shred of excitement from the loot system, yet i can log onto DiabloII right now and enjoy my loot from the whole of actI.

    And what worries me, and the whole reason for this post... is that i think they are doing the same with DiabloIV.

    Now i know their are runewords, but the runes themselves seem dumbed down. It looks to me like they are making a game for console players to play for a week, and then fork out $20 for an expansion or dlc character in a while and play again...

    And it's early days, it could all change. But as a die-hard Diablo fan with multiple thousands of hours spent in their games... i can't get excited, no matter how promising the game looks, because i have this fear that they are building a game for the wrong audience... I'm really losing my faith in blizzard as a company and i hate that i feel like this when i just heard an announcement for something that should make me so god damn incredibly excited.

    Call me entitiled, i don't care. I just want to love this game, and i'm doing my part in giving back feedback as a long time player.

    TLDR: D4 seems to be following the same item design as Diablo3, which is uninteresting and discourages decision making, making for a short game life and disappointing product overall.

    submitted by /u/zboardcon
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    A nice reminder that nothing is final and our feedback may mean a lot

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    The visuals in D4 are stunning! But that enemy outline hides all of it.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    Diablo 4 has some really striking and creepy visuals this time around. The artists are obviously very talented and hard at work, but all of that gets kinda hidden by enemy outlines. Diablo 3 has the same sort of issue.

    In Diablo 2, to show the player which enemy they have selected, they simply made it a little bit brighter than the enemies around it, but only by A LITTLE. It was subtle and extremely easy to tell what you were targeting, without obscuring the details of the monster. It was perfectly functional, and you could still appreciate the art. I think this would be a better solution for Diablo 4. Just a quick suggestion from game industry artist. :)

    submitted by /u/crudmuffingamer
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    Why people are stressing a diablo 2 loot system, facts not propaganda.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:42 PM PDT

    I saw this slide somewhere on the subreddit and felt it warrants its own thread and discussion. I feel this sums up so perfectly why D2 had/has so much staying power. Here is a deeper explanation if you prefer a video explanation.

    submitted by /u/ChewpRL
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    Blizzard removing redundant stats is not a bad thing.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    So I have watched a lot of the content and it looks like blizzards current plan with D4 is to remove redundant item stats like +damage vs %damage, thats not a bad thing because it is a non-choice. It is not interesting in my opinion to receive the garbage version of a stat and I like that they are putting more emphasis on playstyle affecting choices instead of pure math choices. Complexity for its own sake is not inherently interesting and I know i'm not the only one who feels that way.

    submitted by /u/Nightsjester
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    Itemization needs to be improved

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    Please do not focus on legendary making them BiS. That way we have same situation as D3. Few viable pre-defined builds which requries particular items to be playable. Whole character progression would just be limited to finding that particular item and eventually start farming but then for what? Same legendaries with slightly better rolls?

    We need strong, meaningful rares. Crazy affixes and suffixes that actually affects gameplay and change the way we play. I want to see other's player rare and say "holy shit, what a crazy item.. how did he manage to roll that". I want to feel like I'm lucky bastard rolling some crazy shit (crazy combination of stats, affixes). Thats what genre is about - randomness which sometimes make us feel like a god.

    I'm not saying that rares should be top. We just need a balance. Don't make it generic, don't force us to play pre-defined builds. Let us experiment with gear, craft crazy shit to be proud of.

    Let me gather rares that allow me to be pure glass-cannon bcuz why not? If it's my playstyle that would be cool to just get out of the borders of the game limited by legendaries and stack those offensive power with rares. Tanky? Let me gather defensive rares combined with some strong legendary affix. Let us experiment and create crazy experiences

    submitted by /u/crawn1
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    Blizzard wants YOUR constructive feedback

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    They specifically said they want feed back from everyone at the Diablo IV system & features panel earlier today. If you have thoughts or ideas please post them ( with in the rules) on the subreddit. They do read this sub, that doesn't mean your idea is going to get implemented, but your voice will be heard, well, read.

    Here are some things to give you thoughts on (but feel free to give your thoughts on anything d4!!)

    • Trading

    • Itemization

    • End game content

    • Crafting

    • Customization in general

    • Skills

    • Talent trees

    submitted by /u/iBleeedorange
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    "We just started the process of learning how to make a better Diablo game".

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    This was just stated by Blizz at the D4 panel today. They followed that up by explicitly stating they want feedback online and will be reading it and taking notes.

    The community has to be vocal here about things like itemization, talent trees, skills, etc. Along with potentially other systems, like crafting, better runeword system (akin to D2), and even charms.

    It sounds like they genuinely want to build the game the community wants.

    submitted by /u/c_will
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    Dear Blizzard, please dont use D3-like item system

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    Diablo 3 itemization is incredibly shallow and what i saw on gameplay streams D4 itemization system does not satisfy me(and probably a lot of other players) at all. I know it's early development stage but itemization in game such as diablo are one of the most important things.Please look at Diablo 2 that can provide amazing itemization system with little bit of improvements or check out other arpg competitors on the market.

    submitted by /u/gsr1993
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    Im absolutely loving the Artstyle and Design of D4 skill icons already, simulating Church Windows

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Not everyone wants PoE v2.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    I don't understand why people are bashing a game that is still in development and comparing it to what I think is the most overly complicated game on the market.

    PoE is too complicated. It's not fun. I'm sure I have an unpopular opinion. But it's too much. I got to end game and still didn't understand what the hell was going on. Sure the gameplay was fun, but when it came to itemization it wasn't user friendly. The skills tree was too much.

    I loved how D3 was. Simple. I don't want a PoE clone.

    To me an ideal game would be D3 depth (yes the low amount of it) meets gameplay of PoE.


    Edit: changed max level to end game (what I originally meant)

    submitted by /u/xohmg
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    Blizzard is making an enormous mistake by simplifying itemization and stats

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    It seems Blizzard did not learn anything from their mistake from Diablo 3.

    Diablo 3 had one of the most uninspired and depth lacking itemization and character building system you could imagine. Changing specs on the run without forcing the player to make meaningful decisions is what made the game unappealing and boring. Items had only a handful of relevant stats, sets being the only viable endgame choice only made the choices easier and narrowed down the individual gaming experience. There is no thought put into the game from the player, as everything is straight forward - more damage = better, More life = better.

    DIablo 4 now wants to simplify the itemization and stats on items even further, which will keep any hardcore gamer far far away from this game. It will cater to casual audiences that can have quick fun on the console and then call it a day. It is aimed towards those who dont wish to put any efford, time or thought into the game, but just mindlessly slay some demons with the family.

    I thought thats what Diablo Immortal is for and that Diablo 4 would take a serious apporach to appeal to actual gamers who will grind the shit out of this game.

    The Cinematic was cool, but gameplay looks like it will die a quick death. There is nothing appealing, no depth, no fun, no creativity. It seems Blizzard just doesnt understand what people who loved DIablo 1 and 2, who love the current ARPGs love about them. It is not the combat system, it is not the graphics, it is not the fluidity of combat. Its grinding the shit out of a game for awesome loot that will motivate you to keep trying new and different things.

    Its a big disappointment and a letdown for everyone who was hoping for a real competition in the ARPG genre.

    edit: Kripp summed up the "Complex Skill Tree" https://clips.twitch.tv/BloodyBlueDadYouDontSay

    submitted by /u/RDeschain1
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    Message to Blizzard: Please don't disregard the story and atmosphere again

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    I'm reminded of this post a while back:

    "Diablo 2: You show up at the rogue encampment, everyone is already dead, Tristram is burned to the ground and Diablo walks the earth. You get to Act 2. Everyone is already dead, Diablo has freed Baal. You get to Act 3, Mephisto has corrupted Kurast, everybody is already dead, Baal and Diablo escape. Act 4, you kill the devil in hell, Sisyphus would be proud. Act 5, everybody is already dead. You kill Baal but he has corrupted the world stone and the world is doomed. And no shit, they were the fucking prime-evils. You think you were going to thwart their plan?


    The fundamental difference is that in Diablo/Diablo 2 you're a brave but ultimately insignificant adventurer struggling in vain against forces that you cannot comprehend. The best you can hope for is the draw. In Diablo 3 you're the fucking chosen one. In Diablo 2, Diablo says one god damn thing the entire game, "Not even death can save you from me." In Diablo 3 all the villains prattle on like god damned Saturday morning cartoon bad guys. There's a journal in Act 1 somewhere that literally sounds like the narrator is doing a Skeletor impersonation.

    In conclusion, Diablo 2's story is dark, gothic, menacing and borderline nihilistic. Diablo 3 is comic book superhero pulp."

    The writing is awful for D3. Constantly blabbering. Heck, Diablo in Act 4 is like, you can't beat me...I have an evil portal! Oh, you got that one? Ah, well HA...that wasn't the only one! Oh, got that one too, oh, well I DIDN'T NEED THOSE ANYWAY. Come on...

    Blizzard's obsession with making everything "EPIC" and making everyone a special snowflake makes everything seem so... bland and boring.

    The only almost clever thing they did with the story in Diablo 3 was with Belial and the kid. It was painfully obvious that the kid was "secretly" Belial, but at least they tried a non-in your face approach. I think the chapter should have been you going through these towns and clearing out evil, only to realize towards the end that these towns you have been cleansing of evil were actually normal townsfolk, and you were under the delusion that they were evil demons. Taking down Belial at the end for his deceit would be your only retribution for your crimes against the land. At least that would have been some real shenanigans for the "lord of lies".

    That's the kind of story I want, blizzard. Don't make me feel powerful, make me feel HELPLESS.

    But story isn't the only thing that affects atmosphere in a game. Do you remember in diablo 1, when you're just crawling through a dungeon and then OH SHIT IT'S THE FUCKING BUTCHER. That shit was ACTUALLY scary. There was no cutscene. No cheesy dialogue. No room to fill up on ammo and health boxes before the big boss or whatever. Sometimes less is more.

    Get creative with it. Do you know what was brilliant about Amnesia: The Dark Descent? Scariest game I've ever played. In the game there was an insanity meter. I beat the whole thing and never once realized that the meter actually did nothing, I learned about it years later in an interview with the game creators. The FEAR of what would happen if that meter got too high (coupled with some visual effects) was self induced. By keeping it ambiguous it kept me on my toes.

    There was a HUGE demand back before the launch of diablo 3 to make the game as grimdark as possible. They wanted a horror game, not warcraft. People were (rightfully) worried that blizzard would tone down the horror aspect to appeal to a bigger audience, and it was by far the #1 message being sent over and over to the dev team. Whimsyshire is a reference to this for those who don't know.

    I never did end up getting the game I wanted. Maybe Diablo 4 will be different?

    submitted by /u/hazelnuthobo
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    Devs: PLEASE, reconsider the game simplification of the game

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    I was kind of hyped watching the blizzcon yesterday, untill dev's interview with pop streamers.

    I liked the MMO oriented genre; I loved the PVP maps idea (since its true and not another d3 promise...)

    But, are you REALLY screwing the game with that dumb itemization?

    Are u seariously considering that skill/talent "tree" will give us any chance of theorycraft? Thats terrible!


    Oh, btw, we want to trade our stuff freely. Limitate the trade to some number or some itens is dumb as hell. You dont have to create any special system to optimize trade, only let the players do it!

    Please, look at other games like grim dawn and poe and learn with it. Dont keep the same dumb mistakes that made d3 the catastrophy it was.

    Ps: sorry for my poor english, this is not my main language.

    submitted by /u/ReDN0sE
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    Diablo IV Feature Overview

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    Blizzard has to stop catering to the masses and focus on making a quality, deep game

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    I don't get why modern Blizzard is so afraid of implementing any complex mechanic. It seems like every decision they take is highly impacted by "How will new players react to this?", as if deep and complex mechanics are bad and are only for hardcore people which is false. The learning curve has to start easy and get harder and harder as the game continues. Making mistakes is part of playing a game, and mistakes should have consequences on your character.

    If the game is good, players will come and STAY. If it's too casual it might start strong, like D3, but quickly fade away.

    submitted by /u/p0lyamorous
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    Blizzard is asking for feedback/suggestions for trading in Diablo4. Let's help them, share your thoughts.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    So, in the Q&A they were talking about trade and conclude that they are three types of items:

    -Tradable with no limits

    -Tradable once

    -Nontradable items

    And at the end asked if we like this and what suggestions we can give them since the trading system still requires more work.

    For me, I like the system but this is about the items, what about the interaction with other players for trading? So, there are four options:

    -Shouting in trading/general chat: But then you cannot search for a specific item.

    -Websites or 3rd Party item indexers: Similar to PoE, but anyone who reads PoE subreddit knows that almost everyone hates it.

    -Auction House: Will make the game focus more on playing the AH not game.

    -Setting up Shops: Might be a better solution to AH since you can set up a shop and go to bed, then wake up and find out how much you have made while sleeping. Also, it makes you play the game more instead of refreshing the AH or a site like poe.trade.

    So what are your thoughts? Let's help Blizzard implementing the best trading system since they are still working on it and nothing is finished.

    submitted by /u/__Correct_My_English
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    Matt Uelmen must make music for Diablo 4

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    Diablo and world of sanctuary is nothing without Matt Uelmen music. Soundtrack is a half of all atmosphere in game. Remember this genius Tristram theme? This is the key that opened the door for us to this fascinating world. Don't repeat your mistake Blizzard, hire Matt Uelmen for Diablo 4!

    please sign the petition


    submitted by /u/Sergg2017
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    Character stats reduced to "attack" and "defense" officially - Blizzard says this is the intent in new blog post

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    So I'm reading the new D4 deep dive blogpost and it all sounds pretty great until we get about 2/3 through. I know a lot of us had questions about the "attack" and "defense" stats hopefully just being placeholder to more in-depth systems they weren't ready to show off yet - well that doesn't seem to be the case.

    When it comes to combat statistics, we've simplified the math problem. Players should spend more time thinking about stats that change how they play rather than solving arithmetic. Attack and Defense will be your bread and butter; one stat for increasing your damage, and one stat for decreasing damage taken.

    More complex stats like Attack Speed or Melee Damage Reduced will still exist; however, these are stats that can change your approach to combat in more than a numerical way. While they might still increase your damage output or reduction, they do so in ways that make you think about the battlefield or which skills work best in different situations.

    Blizzard, what the hell are you thinking here? ARPGs live and die upon 3 pillars - characters, items and end game. By oversimplifying and distilling item and player stats down to "attack" and "defense" you are directly weakening 2 of those pillars. The third (end game through PvP, trading, key dungeons, rifts, whatever) can't stand on it's own and give a game longevity. It was twelve years between D2 and D3 and it could be another 12 between D3 and D4. It might be another 12 from D4 to D5. Are we really supposed to be satisfied for 12 years with such simplistic systems? I get that you want this game to be fun, casual and open to the widest audience possible but holy shit! Please reconsider!

    submitted by /u/a_theist
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    Diablo 4 should NOT move away from useful legendaries.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Tons of posts recently have talked about god-roll rares, reducing legendaries, and more.

    Please don't.

    I agree that items should have more stats, and that it would be great to see more build variety potential across items (and across rarities) in general.

    But more legendaries being able to bring more unique effects, that heavily alter skills, visuals, or introduce crazy new procs were a huge part of the fun for many people in Diablo 3.

    The beginning of Diablo 3's launch was FULL of people complaining the legendaries were

    • Too hard to get
    • Boring, and added no unique effects or skill changes to the player

    Letting the Diablo 4 team craft hundreds more legendaries (especially with the de-emphasis on sets), with unique effects could allow for some wildly different builds, that aren't just different suffixes and affixes.

    It seems like this is an unpopular opinion now, but please don't remove the interesting and fun effects from legendaries. Add more unique suffixes and affixes sure, but don't take away from legendaries.

    Edit: As a quick edit, this post isn't advocating for making yellows and blues useless. Just not the removal/dumbing down of legendaries which I've seen some say. It would be great to have them all be competitive in their own way.

    submitted by /u/Ajdhfh
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    Diablo IV Uncompressed Concept Art Wallpapers - With & Without Diablo IV Logo

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:18 PM PDT

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