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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Diablo Blizzcon 2019 Day 1 Megathread

    Diablo Blizzcon 2019 Day 1 Megathread

    Blizzcon 2019 Day 1 Megathread

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PDT


    Blizzcon starts today! Opening Ceremony at 11AM PT.
    Live thread here.
    Discord here.
    Meetup today at 4:30PM PT, information here.
    Submissions Restricted ~1 hour before Opening Ceremony, use this thread for discussion. Will be lifted later today.
    Live stream here.

    Blizzcon is finally here! We hope that for everyone attending it is a fun and enjoyable weekend. Blizzcon is not just about the games and announcements, it is also about meeting and finding new friends.

    The opening ceremony begins at 11AM PT / 2PM ET and if your time zone isn't either of those you can click here to be taken to a countdown timer.
    Our live thread is up and running and will be updated live from the show floor and from us watching from home, so make sure to keep an eye on that throughout the day for pictures and information that you can't get from the Virtual Ticket.
    Speaking of that, the Opening Ceremony as well as the four panels that are "Coming Soon" are free to watch today. Other panels and those happening tomorrow will require VT purchase to watch.

    For those of you at the convention our annual meetup is today at 4:30PM PT, the details of which are in this thread. For those of you that aren't come join our Blizzcon channel on Discord to join in the discussion.

    Because we are expecting a flood of people on the subreddit, especially today, we will be placing the sub in "Submissions Restricted" mode approximately an hour before the opening ceremony. This will prevent new threads from being created, but you can continue to comment on existing threads. This thread will serve as the discussion thread for today. We expect to lift the restriction later today.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!

    submitted by /u/menagese
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    Diablo IV cinematic trailer

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Diablo IV game play trailer

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    I was hesitant after the game play trailer, but this panel is changing my mind. I'm loving everything I'm seeing.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    • Full character customization
    • Open world, massive, non-linear questing
    • Group events
    • Hub cities to encounter other players to group up, trade, inspect gear/build, etc.
    • Talent trees
    • Dynamic weather with a day/night cycle.
    • Runes and Runewords
    • Mounts
    • Deep and varied character builds
    • Engine/graphics looks very, very good up close. Textures/lighting are exceptional.

    The game play trailer was a bit underwhelming, but what they're showing off in this panel is looking outstanding.

    submitted by /u/c_will
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    Blizzard announces Diablo IV

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    More info will be edited in as it is announced

    Cinematic trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bRWIdOMfro

    Game play trailer: https://youtu.be/7RdDpqCmjb4

    Press release: https://blizzard.gamespress.com/Diablo-IV-Revealed

    Legendary, set and rune items confirmed

    Pvp is in game

    First 3 classes announced: barb, sorc, druid ( more coming)

    submitted by /u/iBleeedorange
    [link] [comments]

    My artbook arrived early. Here are all the Diablo 4 pages in one album.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Diablo® IV Official Page is Up.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    "We are not coming anytime soon, not even Blizzard soon" - regarding how close D4 is to release

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    From the D4 panel in Blizzcon just a min ago. Thoughs?

    submitted by /u/Ikeda_kouji
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    Diablo IV confirmed to be coming for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Quinn had a Q&A with a developer. Here's a brief summary.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:06 PM PDT

    • On Paragon levels - They have a philosophy of wanting you to be able to log in for 15, 30, or 60 minutes (or however long) and get something accomplished, but as far as specific implementation of paragon levels, it's undecided.

    • On end game - They want there to be a variety of activities. World bosses are one example. Key dungeons are another. Key dungeons are inspired by greater rifts and will be another end game activity. Different system than greater rifts. Key dungeons don't scale infinitely, but scale to an extent that there is no concern about reaching the max. There are hundreds of dungeons in the world. At max level, you get keys, and those keys will be for a specific dungeon. The key when used transforms the dungeon into a max level dungeon and has a rank on it, and that rank increases the difficulty of the dungeon. The key has affixes on it, the affixes add mechanics to the dungeon, boss fights, etc.

    • One of the affixes is a lightning pulse obelisk, it follows you through dungeon. You can't kill it and it releases lightning, so you have to keep moving. It's an object that chases you through the dungeon and adds challenge to the experience. Affixes change the way a dungeon plays.

    • Legendary items further allow you to modify skills to customize play style. Allow you to further your skills/talents more than you would through the trees/skills alone. Hundreds of legendary items being designed. More about modding existing talents and skills than adding flat damage.

    • There are gear sets. Sets gives the ability to live out a fantasy. Legendaries are as or more powerful than sets. Sets are a stepping stone to more powerful legendaries.

    • They are looking at bringing transmog into the game.

    • They want leaderboards to become more micro than macro, focus on meaningful things in the game on a smaller scale, ie for specific activities or challenges. Long way to go on development. More in the direction of season conquests in D3.

    • No auction house. Haven't settled on a specific trading system yet. They want you to mainly get items from killing monsters as opposed to sitting in town trading with players. Exploring possible systems for trading, and they are learning towards 3 categories of items – 1) consumables, mats, random armor, etc that can be freely traded 2) items that can be traded once and then become soulbound. 3) And then some items that are bound on pickup. Those are the 3 categories for items currently when it comes to trading, but they are taking feedback on this.

    • Crafting – Definitely going to be taking crafting forward into Diablo IV and they want to expand on it from Diablo III. End game will be about item modification. Crafting will incorporate the world – going out and getting things – slaying monsters, finding something rare in the world, etc. Won't be anything as in depth as PoE however.

    • Seasons – They want to modify the most powerful items from season to season so the metagame shifts, along with adding in new items.

    • Content release will most likely occur through expansions.

    • On talent trees – taking feedback on this. Talent trees in the demo are as they currently stand in the game. Quinn noted they look simple and shallow. They want legendary items to add a lot of that depth to the talents. All of it is still being developed.

    • On monetitization – D4 will be available as a base game. There will be expansions. Cosmetics will be available in some form as microtransactions.

    • Player housing or hideouts – nothing to announce.

    • UI addons – nothing to announce.

    • You can modify keybinds.

    • Launching on PC, PS4, Xbox One. No hints as to when it will be released.

    Additional details from a separate dev interview

    • Hardcore mode will be there.

    • 5 classes confirmed for launch, and more will be introduced through expansions. Cosmetics, stash, etc, can come in the form of microtransactions.

    • Want to make crafting a bigger thing in D4. Still a work in progress. Two goals for crafting - 1) Want to make sure gathering is fully integrated into the open world. 2) If you go and collect recipes and materials and spend time to craft something that it is worth your while.

    • Max level is currently 40. Could change.

    • On difficulty settings, for the leveling experience, they aren't sure what the answer is yet. For end game, key dungeons will act similar to rifts with scaling. In the open world and end game they want challenges there too for replayability.

    • There is no shoulder slot in the game. It's a visual change, and if they need more item slots for mechanical reasons, they can do that separately.

    • Trying out different types of legendaries that enable support builds, but make it so that you are doing something against monsters as well.

    • They don't want you running around into too many people at once unless it's for a world event on the map or something similar.

    • Goal for seasons is to change up items as much as possible. Want new challenges in dungeons, new monster affixes, and want the season to feel like a new experience with new things to explore.

    • No diminishing returns on CCs. Certain skills make you unstoppable so you can break out of that CC. Can customize character to be more resistant against CCs.

    • Not much thought has been directed towards mercenaries or followers.

    • Achievements are planned.

    • Charms are NOT currently in the works.

    • Talent trees will be expanded upon in expansions, but to what degree, they don't know yet.

    • Trying to be more "strict" with gold for players. Can spend gold to gamble like with Kadala.

    • Durability is not in the current build, but they're still trying it out and testing it. Want systems that force you to return to town every now and then. They're talking about maybe having gear provide certain bonuses above certain durability levels.

    submitted by /u/c_will
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    Hype train is going full steam ahead

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    My god the dungeons looks amazing

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    D4 Blizzcon Screen Captures, All Classes Skills & Talents (updating now)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Rune Words Are Back

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Lilith fanart

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:42 AM PDT

    With all the hype going on about Lilith, thought i might share my version i painted last year :)
    It is heavily Diablo/Andy inspired so i thought you guys might like it.

    Also NSFW cause demon boobs: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nQ0yXO

    submitted by /u/Pisstrooper90
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    People really think D4 looks exactly like D3?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    "...not even 'Blizzard Soon™'"

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Big Bummer.

    submitted by /u/Derazchenflegs
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    I loved everything I saw and heard from Diablo 4 today. I guess I must be crazy then.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    I've been a Diablo fan since the first game came out when I was six years old. Yes six. I got away with a lot of shit with my parents. I've been an avid fan of this series my whole life. Loved Diablo 2, was pretty meh on Diablo 3, didn't like it all that much.

    Diablo 4 on the other hand looks and sounds like everything I've wanted from this series since Diablo 2. They're finally taking it in the right direction again, and I'm psyched about what I heard regarding character customization and talents making a comeback.

    Then I started reading comments.

    I'm sorry but so much of the complaining I'm seeing seems really hyperbolic. It's almost entirely regarding the graphics and animations, which I feel is pointless to even criticize at this stage, given that it's in early Alpha. I get that Blizzard burned us with Diablo 3, but damn some of you are really jaded. If the gameplay is deep and fun, the music is good, art style on point, and has an interesting story, then I think I can live without the most cutting edge graphics and animations mankind can muster.

    I think it's fine to be cautious about your hype, but I'm really talking about the people who are just hardcore complaining about this game already.

    EDIT: I'd also like to add that the reception to D4 by the PoE Subreddit has been much warmer than the reception on here. I just find that fascinating and a bit telling.

    submitted by /u/ScionN7
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    DIABLO IV - Skill Tree and Character menu (Pictures)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    What do you think about this? Looks oldschool and I'm into it


    submitted by /u/The_Giant_Moustache
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    Lilith with foreskin cape (XXXL wallpaper)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    Look at the items, skills, UI and more (via HotshotGG0

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    We want to simplify stats - David Kim

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:12 PM PDT


    Looks like Blizzard still doesnt get what ARPG are about. Figuring out the scaling and stats is a huge part of the fun. Dont treat your players like they are stupid. Stop dumbing down game systems.

    A lot of people noticed the itemization so far looks kinda underwhelming and the legendaries pretty much look like D3 ones. "Rune Words" only are 2 runes. And offensiv and defensiv stats are simplified into Attack and Defense values. Also so many legendaries are class specific or enhance specific skills. Thats stuff you put into your talent/skill system. Another disconnect is here: https://clips.twitch.tv/PeacefulHelpfulMarjoramPicoMause
    And again spells and attacks are the same thing. Weapon types dont even have an individual attack time and there is no distinction within the weapon class.

    Both the Q&A during Quins and Rhykkers stream implied that the current itemization is what they want to go forward with and it isnt just a placeholder.
    It is very importent to give our feedback at this stage of the development. There is still hope for this game to become a worthy successor with more polished skilltrees, more skills and a proper itemization.

    submitted by /u/plato13
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    Sebastian Stepien, the creative director of Cyberpunk 2077, is the creative director of Diablo IV

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PDT

    This was just mentioned on the Diablo IV: Unveiled panel.

    submitted by /u/Nadrav
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    Diablo 4 has a “contiguous” open-world with weather and day-night cycles

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    D4 is on an open, shared and seamless world.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Source: https://blizzard.gamespress.com/Diablo-IV-Revealed

    While continuing to fully support solo and coordinated party play, Diablo IV will also provide opportunities for groups of players to encounter each other in the same shared world—whether to tackle bigger challenges . . . or possibly even slaughter one another in player-vs.-player combat.

    For the first time in the series, Sanctuary will be a contiguous, seamless landmass comprising diverse regions ranging from the burning desert of Kejhistan, to the verdant werewolf-infested forests of Scosglen, to the harsh and rugged wilderness of the Dry Steppes.

    submitted by /u/Ikeda_kouji
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    blizzcon "leak" photo on computers

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PDT


    credit goes to gustavoquandt from r/wow

    does it look like wow or diablo? seems to be more similar to the d2 hero screen?

    submitted by /u/stark33per
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