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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Diablo 1000 kills summons Uber Diablo

    Diablo 1000 kills summons Uber Diablo

    1000 kills summons Uber Diablo

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:21 AM PST

    Diablo I - Ironman Solo Challenge

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:47 PM PST

    EDIT: Updated Rules.

    I can't find any rules for Ironman solo in DI. This is what I"m trying:

    Challenge Rules:

    • Solo: You must start a new lvl.1 character. The entire game must be played alone.
    • No New Game: You cannot restart a new game to make monsters re-spawn, farm XP and shrines.
    • No Escape: As soon as you enter the dungeon, you can't go back. There are a few exceptions to this rule: (i) when you finish a chapter and open the shortcut to town. You can only return to town once per chapter transition (using this method); (ii) using a scroll of town portal that you dropped in the dungeon.
      • This includes quests. If you want to collect reward from quests, either wait for the next chapter or use a TP.
      • You cannot cast town portals from memory, after learning it in a book.
    • Backtracking: You can backtrack in order to kill bosses or monsters you skipped.
      • You cannot backtrack to pickup loot you left in previous floors.
      • You can pick up things you left in town, such as gold or +magic equipment.
      • You can still pick up things you just dropped when backtracking to finish off monsters.
    • "Live of the Land": You are not allowed to bring consumable items from town to the dungeon. You may purchase scrolls and potions, but they must be used before leaving Tristan.
      • This is the only rule regarding NPCs services. You can repair equipment and recharge staffs, you can purchase books and equipment, you can patch yourself in Pepin and ask Cain to identify your items.
      • Since Cain can identify items, Pepin heals you for free and there is no use for TPs, the only use for consumable is to restore Mana on Adria. This slightly more complicated rule was made in order to keep the mod viable for sorcerers.
    • Hardcore: If you die you lose the challenge.
    • You win if you kill Diablo and beat the game. Congrats !

    Do you think the game is beatable under these restraints ? Is it beatable for every class and for nearly any seed ? I'm not sure, but I'm trying !!

    UPDATE: Labyrinths and Catacombs, done. Caves, here I go.

    submitted by /u/italofoca
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    1000 kill streak Diablo spawn + kill

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:34 PM PST

    Why hasn’t the subreddit’s banner been updated to a swanky new D4 look yet?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:04 AM PST

    I know this thread comes up once in a while, but it feels weird still seeing Rise of the Necromancer when we've got a brand new sequel with lots of hype

    submitted by /u/Augustby
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    [Fan Content] Give my dark synth Diablo gaming playlist a try! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do and use it a lot!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:48 PM PST

    Diablo 2 - where to find a 4 socket polearm/spear

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    As the title says. I'm currently in act 2 nightmare. Have already cleared the cow level in normal and accidently killed the king. Just wondering where is best to get one, and if I even can yet?


    submitted by /u/Dom9229
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    1000 Kill Streak bonus can give bounty mats.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:14 PM PST

    I don't know if it's because I was low level, but I spawned and killed him at level 38 on Hard. Instead of infernal machines, I got 3 of each bounty material. Could just be because I was low level and machines can't drop, but it would be nice if it had a random chance to drop either or.

    submitted by /u/LordAnkou
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    Is anyone else having problems with inviting Friends?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    Can't invite Friends because it says they're not seasonal, even though I literally just played with them. They're not shown as seasonal in my Friendlist either, and when I join their lobby their character is invisible for me.

    submitted by /u/HeadBreaker
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    Diablo 2 Legit player community

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:58 AM PST


    If you plan on playing Diablo 2 this upcoming ladder reset ( first week of Dec. ), then i highly recommend adding this discord server >> https://discord.gg/fHJfSHB We ban botters, and we allow for legit players to connect and trade. We host events like 8man walks and ironmans. We have players on all realms HC / SC - East - EU - HCCL all of them, all neatly organized on ths discord. We are making ladder reset teams of course!

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/kickassbitch
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    Challenge Rift reward/cache?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:36 PM PST

    Old vet, new noob question ... for the challenge rift suggested to do at the beginning of Deadset's guide, where do you get the cache? I completed it two minutes faster than the time needed and nothing at all dropped, nothing in my inventory. So, I took the portal back since it said to talk to Edira, and she did nothing, gave nothing. I clicked on everything I could in the little zone and nothing. I did the challenge again and beat my own time. No drop, nothing in inventory, talked to Edira, gave nothing. I left and went to town, nothing. Where is this cache?

    submitted by /u/x_Dogs_of_War_x
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    Crit and the WW Barb

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:15 PM PST

    I have heard so many conflicting things about this. Is crit useful to WW barb? I have heard that WW cant crit but I dont know about rend. I have been checking the gear of the players at the top of the leaderboard and some of them seem fine sacrificing crit chance and dmg on items, so I am wondering how important it is?

    submitted by /u/NudePenguin69
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    need help for survey about diablo player's interests!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:59 PM PST

    need help for survey about diablo player's interests!

    good day everyone!

    I have to make a survey about diablo 3's user's interests for my school work and I thought r/Diablo would be good place to do it.



    it's not a weird stuff like ads or other scam stuff. I will use it only for my school work.

    I'll be very thankful if you fill the survey for me!

    submitted by /u/kulildlwnd
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    New Zmonk Build?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PST

    Not sure if it was because the start of the season, or unless i missed the note. But a lot of monks on 4 man last night were not using Crippling wave or Flying dragon. i forgot the name of the weapon but it give you CDR when you kill something. Never seen anyting like it, just so they can spam mantra and blinding flash

    submitted by /u/Koridoom
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    Tempest or WoL for Rifts?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:58 PM PST

    I've seen a lot of guides for Tempest Rush speed farming, but a lot of people are saying that while it's really good, it's more the refreshment of a new build people like rather than the actual speed. Is it better or on par with the previous best speed farming monk build, or is it more efficient to play WoL?

    submitted by /u/xTraxis
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    What is Trag'Oul? Was he created by the worldstone?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:19 AM PST

    What we know?

    • He is Rathma(first nephalem and first necromancer) MASTER
    • He is concerned about balance
    • The magic the he teached Rathma is much more about controlling live and unlife, than manipulating elements of sorc or the nature itself(druid)
    • The full set of Trag on D2 transform the caster into a vampire and bestow some fire spells that only vampire mobs and sorc can use
    • Despite being a balance protector, undeads are often used by demons but NEVER by angels
    • HE is neither nephalem, nor demon, nor angel. What he is?

    My hypoteses is that after the worldstone was "sealing" the human's power and wakening the humanity, so much power needs to go to one place. Maybe Trang is literally created by the power drain from the humanity and the desire to protect the sanctuary who lead Inarius and Lilith to seal humanity power... If this is truth, he with the power of millions of nephalems, he should be able to easily obliterate all archangels and prime evils without any problem.

    submitted by /u/L0rdV1ct0r
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    Legacy of Dreams question

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:27 PM PST

    So I got this gem (lvl 5 now), which is supposed to improve your dmg. I have 5 legendaries equipped, no set bonuses. I socket the gem into the ring and my damage stat doesn't change at all. Am I missing smth here?

    submitted by /u/TazDingus
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    Diablo 4 REAL TALK

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST


    One thing I worry that D4 team might be misconstruing (and Blizz in general) is their desire to aspire to their so-called "gaming pillars". A lot of times Blizz teams set certain pillars that their game should be founded upon. With WoW everything is "epic", so every cutscene is about some grand world-ending event. And players can't really relate, what sticks is the small personal moments that an NPC can say or do (think TLOU giraffe scene). D3 had "legendary", everything is legendary, from the OP Nephalem, to the again grandiose story between Heaven and Hell. I get that D2 also had the hero defeat Diablo, but it felt more like the hero was a small cog in the wheel who was lucky to escape alive and was not the centre of the story or an OP Nephalem who is a god-like being.

    Now in D4 the dev team say that they want to make the game "dark" and they think that throwing buckets of blood and gore at us means that it will be like D2, but that's not how I would describe D2. There was darkness sure, but the feeling of "dread" and "despair" is what I believe most D2 fans want in a Diablo game. Give us low light radius, make us feel that the next monster we encounter might be our last. Don't focus so much on making the game dark but focus on making it good and making it a true Diablo game, don't just pander to D2 fans by making the character selection screen be a campfire and putting the same classes as in D2.

    Open world and setting

    I am all for D4 being an open world. I think that's a step in the right direction. A huge world to explore and fight monsters in sounds amazing. However, I worry that they are simply making an interconnected D3-like open world. Where you think it's a big open world but when you notice in the D4 demo you have these narrow corridors that give you the illusion of an open world. So if you are going down the open-world route, make it a true open-world. Sure, have some narrow areas (most I think should be restricted to dungeons) but make the rest of the game truly open world. If I decide to go east or west or south, I don't want to hit an invisible wall every five seconds, don't shoehorn me into narrow corridors.

    P.S. Remove red and white flashes when I hit monsters, it takes me out of the experience. Lower Monster density, make stronger enemies, not one strong enemy and 100 trash mobs. (You can have areas in the game where you have a tonne of enemies but reduce the density compared to D3). If you watch any end-game D3 clips on youtube, I swear I have no idea what is happening on screen, there are like gazzilion monsters and effects, and everything melts into a rainbow.


    This a tricky one, as I am sure there are no two opinions on the issue. As I don't have specific suggestions on what D4 itemisation should look like, I know I don't want it to be like D3. Don't make weapons your only source of power. Please, no more +% base dmg. Give us regular numbers. Make rares, even blues meaningful. I DON'T want to have to throw all my gear from 1-39 as soon as I hit 40 (I think it shouldn't be 40, but that is a discussion for later). I want to have to pay attention while I play, don't just give me green arrows and red arrows that show me what item is better than another. Make us read the item stats. Include more item slots, no one ever said: "I think my character has too many item slots". Give us shoulder slot, belt, etc. Don't make items for a specific tier or something match into a set looks-wise. I hated that D3 had armor that matched for a specific tier. It was like WoW armor tiers. I want my character to look like he shops at a thrift shop. Make only Sets fit to make a whole piece of armor.

    Add charms (in a separate inventory), extend rune count above 2. Allow Barbs to use varried weapons. If I want my Barb to throw axes or use bows, why stop me. Give me variety. ( I realise that might be polarising to some as we will prob have a range DPSer but eh)

    Hero Customisation

    Make an Action RPG, not a hack-and-slasher with some rpg elements sprinkled on top. What I fear the most is that the dev team (and I am sure they want to make the best Diablo game possible, I am worried about the execs) will "consolify" the game. This is what I think happened to D3 where in the beginning we had charm slots and skills rune tiers but at the end, I think the execs were like: "make it more simple for console and casual gamers".

    Make the Character have permanency (every D3 Barb was like every other Barb if you strip down the gear). Add Stats back. This is one of the best ways to differentiate one hero from another. One stat could make one Skill stronger than another. I am not suggesting that you have +Str, +Dex. But let's say you have a stat for +DoT. So Skills that apply DoT would benefit from that stat. Or plus to all fire dmg, that make skills that have fire dmg deal more fire dmg (Fire Sorc). There are so many things you can do. You can make a fire barb, A barb that specialises in two-handed weapons (instead of + str there an option for +dmg when dual wielding) etc. etc.

    Increase the level cap to 99 and make it like D2 where from 90 to 99 would take you 300 hours (for example). I DON'T want infinite levels. Make all the skill points you gain from leveling stop at level 50 let's say, so when I reach 50 I know that I don't NEED to level apart from the bragging rights (or give a portrait when you reach 99, I don't care as long as it does not impact my hero's power).

    I know why the devs capped it at 40, they want to sell expansions where you get plus 10 levels or something. 100% sure that's the reason. But you don't have to increase the level cap for every expansion. This is not WoW! D2 didn't increase the cap with LoD, did it?

    I want to thank the devs for at least trying to listen to the community, and I sincerely hope that our suggestions won't fall on deaf ears, as I want D4 to be the best Diablo game ever. And I am sure everyone in this community can agree on that.

    submitted by /u/RandomDotaTwoGuy
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    Does Aegis of Valor drop in non-season?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:30 PM PST

    Derptestest derpiness to the derpmaximum (10 characters long lul wtf).

    submitted by /u/azurevin
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    S19 legendary item on cube for ww rend barb

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:15 PM PST

    hey i tried to find on net which item are better in cube for s19 ww rend barb.. i think ill use furnace, lamentation but i dont really know what else to use. can the community can help me..im open to suggestion too ty :)

    submitted by /u/gustafio86
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    Diablo 3 season 1k kill reward

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:01 PM PST

    So i just killed Uber diablo and got GARBAGE for drops, i got 3 keystones and some crafting mats, did anyone else get something differnt? My buddie who helped got 1 of each Idol but not me.

    submitted by /u/Dracziek
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    What class to play for S19?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Being a relatively inexperienced player, and not looking to do high tier rifts, just to have fun doing not-very-challenging things, I'm wondering which class I can have the most fun which and which is the most effective to get a good leveling multiplier (as gear or kana's cube shenanigans).

    submitted by /u/CyberMike131
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    Xbox: Diablo 3 disc will load. BRAND NEW DISC!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Has anyone else had this issue. I rebought Diablo 3 today and my disc will not download or even boot up. I put any other disc in and it loads fine help?

    submitted by /u/reiku78
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    Feedback: No Out-of-Band Shortcut Item Rewards Please - E.g. Challenge Rift Bag, Haedrig's Gifts

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Items should come as drops from killing enemies (and barrels) while playing the game with your character.

    submitted by /u/dsnvwlmnt
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