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    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Diablo Why the f... so many people want Diablo 4 to be MMO/have strong MMO features?

    Diablo Why the f... so many people want Diablo 4 to be MMO/have strong MMO features?

    Why the f... so many people want Diablo 4 to be MMO/have strong MMO features?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    It really boggles my mind.

    IMO Diablo series was always perfect game for both solo and coop players. Hell, I'd even say that solo hc players are much more... well... hardcore than many social players due to the fact that you really need to tune your character and skills in order to do highest level content.

    PoE is also great example of endgame fucused game with great post launch support that is great for all kinds of players.

    I don't want to see another situations similar to looter shooters like Destiny/Division 2 where endgame content is blocked from solo/matchmaking due to the restricions that says it's only avilable for ple-planned groups.

    And to all of you youngsters - Raids in Destiny 2 are really freakin far from difficult endgame content. Try to kill Shaper in PoE.

    Also if you want MMO Diablo... well it was announced a year ago. It's called Diablo: Immortal;>


    I hope that Diablo 4 will stay true to the series with all gameplay modes being avilable for solo players and will support matchmaking for ALL kind of content.

    submitted by /u/Whoopy2000
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    This brings back memories...

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Something that I want back for D4 that no one seems to talk about

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    I want the ability to create games or join other games just like Diablo 2. It was so much fun to scroll through games and find people to play with, or just create a private and play alone or with friends.

    I really miss this and I hope it comes back

    submitted by /u/k_nello
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    About New Logo

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    It's definitely not the well-known Diablo logo, not even the Diablo Immortal logo, would that be the Diablo 4 logo?


    submitted by /u/Herenvardo
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    Don't care what lore or characters are in D4 as long as they return to the gothic horror art style and storytelling of D1 and D2

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:24 AM PDT

    Go watch the old cinematics and story voiceovers from D1 and D2 for an idea of what I mean.




    submitted by /u/tommos
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    [SERIOUS] What do you DON'T want to see in Diablo 4?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:12 PM PDT

    A lot of debate and hype this week so let's flip things a bit.

    1. What are some minor or major things that were maybe present in Diablo 3 or other ARPGs/MMOs that you don't want to see in Diablo 4?
    2. Is there anything that would make you not purchase Diablo 4 if announced?
    3. What is something you don't want but expect to see in Diablo 4? Is it a dealbreaker?

    For me, I don't want to have the end game be the focus of Diablo 4. I want the journey through the campaign to be the focus of developers, including varying the enemies, loot types and enemy abilities with each difficulty. An end game mainly for PVP, events and challenges would be preferred over it being 90% of the game.

    A F2P or buy-in with further microtransactions would be a deal breaker. I want to pay my $60-70 and have access to everything, including cosmetic unlocks.

    I expect Diablo 4 to be an Always Online game like D3 before it. Is that a dealbreaker? Not really but as someone who travels often with unreliable internet connections, it may push D4 from a Day 1 purchase to waiting for a holiday time so I could actually have the time to play consistently.

    submitted by /u/Buzzenstein
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    Hi Newbie here :)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I downloaded Diablo 2 today and started playing. It is my first Diablo game ever.

    I'm currently 18 and I also am from this newest gen of gaming(don't panic I don't play Fortnite, I don't even play any online games.)

    I am a very big fan of the From Software games. (No I won't say Diablo is a Souls-like) I had always liked the feeling of Dark Souls, like lost in a world that is near the end, like a fading flame in a snowstorm.

    I have heard that Diablo does have a very special feeling to itself too.
    So I am 3 Hours in it and can say I love the feeling of this game. I chose the Necromancer as a starting class, cuz I love the appeal of it and to be honest the other classes didn't looked so cool. So I wanted to ask you guys out there who most likely played this game to death(pun intended), even more likely played it on all difficulty levels and gone through hell (also pun intended), what advice tips(not only gameplay wise though, maybe hints at secrets so I can have fun searching for them), something you can give me to enjoy it more.

    Thanks for reading this and maybe giving me sonme advice.

    submitted by /u/Ticillandus
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    What mechanic/addition would YOU like to see added in Diablo IV?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    In order for the next Diablo game to be successful, what would YOU like to see added to the game?

    submitted by /u/NinjaSwag_
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    HYPED FOR D2:RE.. I hope all the music tracks/voice clips in Remaster get remastered too! Here is my favourite D2 music track!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    Every time I think about what I want Diablo 4 to be, I end up with Diablo 2 remastered with minor changes. Help me by criticizing Diablo 2

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    It's hard for me to imagine what Diablo 4 should be. I feel like Diablo 2 got so many things right. So many small things that ended up having a huge effect that went mostly unnoticed because it simply felt right.

    Can you lay down some criticism of Diablo 2 so I can see a different perspective?

    submitted by /u/Sawyermblack
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    What do people expect for D4 Monetization?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    In my head, Blizzard does not consider a "buy once, play forever" model to be a sustainable monetization scheme for their games anymore.

    Furthermore, HoTS and D3 are examples of Blizzard games, that got significantly downprioritized, due to lackluster profits. In my head, I can't imagine Blizzard releasing D4 without having some plan for a recurring revenue stream.

    So basically - what do you guys think we can expect? And what do you consider red lines in a theoretical D4 payment scheme?

    Options include

    • Buy once, play forever. Probably with some payed expansions. Basically, what D3 turned out to be, after the faliure of the auction house.

    • Free to Play. Probably with some loot-boxes and extra cosmetics.

    • Subscription based.

    • Something else.

    If Blizzard wants to throw a total curve-ball, they might even try to re-imagine the auction house.

    I have a fear, that Blizzard and the Diablo community are very far from each other, in the sense, that any monetization model that Blizzard considers worthwhile, will be very far from what the community will actually accept from an ARPG.

    Personally, I play almost exclusively solo-player and hardcore, so I imagine I'm in a minority in the player base. But as a hardcore player, throwing money at items or the grind itself would be a total red line for me. I can't see myself paying real money for progress, that's going to be lost on death. OTOH, a subscription model would be great for me. I usually binge for a couple of months and then stay away from the game to cool off, after I throw my newest character away in some foolish manner.

    submitted by /u/elHahn
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    What do you want to see in the D4 Cinematics?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Classes in diablo 4

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    What class would you guys want added to the game. Personally i would like to see a take on WoW's Shaman i think it could be very interesting.

    submitted by /u/EinValk
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    The hidden Diablo loot from the Virtual Ticket

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:35 PM PDT

    We know that we're gonna get wings that's either not finished or a spoiler for something. However they also state that there are MORE things than just the wings. What if one of these things are related to Diablo 4.

    Just food for thought.

    submitted by /u/Zaifora
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    So is Vanilla D3 just unplayably easy now? Do I need the expansion?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    With Blizzcon coming up me and my friend fired up D3 which we havent played in years, made some new hardcore characters and cranked the difficulty to max which you can do at level 1 now?????.......... we have yet to find a boss we haven't killed in literally 3 seconds. We are FLYING through levels with the difficulty xp but this doesn't make sense. I remember having to grind gold to level up the smith every time and being poor AF, struggling to make it through the game.

    What happened to this game??? Is it even possible to have a good experience on vanilla?

    submitted by /u/Clubbing_Kittens
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    Looking for a player to play Diablo 2 with over tcp/ip

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    I'm trying for the first time to play D2 multiplayer. when I press on multiplayer, i see 2 options:

    Open Battle.net : I'm not able to connect for some reason and it says sth like [you have been disconnected to battle.net, try reconnecting] I try again with no luck (it would be cool if sb can help me with that

    tcp/ip game : I'm assuming we need a program such as hamachi to play here (pls correct me if I was wrong)so, is anyone interested to play with me over tcp/ip?

    submitted by /u/ut-1337jumper
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    Question about Diablo 1 about resetting dungeon with old character

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    At this moment I am playing singeplayer Diablo 1 (the HD supported version on GOG withouth the Hellfire expansion) and I am struggling a bit. I got to the hell levels, but getting kind fucked by demons and armor destroying knights.

    So far I understand monsters don't respawn and I have cleared all levels up to level 13. I want to grind more levels if possible, but not sure how to do it.

    Now, so far I understand you can do new game on a char death and this will reset(?) the dungeon, but you will keep your character with all the gear and stats. I tried to look online, but can't find enough that clearly explains it. What does this feature actually do and will this help me to get stronger to kill Diablo? will I also lose all the shortcuts to the lower levels if I reset?

    Thanks to any who can explain this to me!

    submitted by /u/lichtdwarf
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    What will Diablo 2 "remastered" be called?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    Starcraft was called remastered, and Warcraft III is called reforged. What do think the Diablo 2 "remastered" should or will be called?

    submitted by /u/johnnylamerton
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