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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Diablo Lilith's Return in Diablo IV

    Diablo Lilith's Return in Diablo IV

    Lilith's Return in Diablo IV

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    Is this the artbook that leaked D4? Recent Wowhead article, some pages were removed.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Can someone please explain the cult-like reverence for, and borderline hipster-like preference for D2 over D3?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Before we get started, I would like to politely decline any and all "you just aren't a real fan" rebukes and purposely and solely argumentative and dick-headed responses. If, after reading this, you still grace this post with those types of replies, I would just like to say: I hope you step on at least 2 Legos today.

    I've played D3 for about a year and a half and enjoy it, but after seeing the cult-like admiration people have for D2 and getting a taste for it via the Tristram event (If im remembering correctly) in January, I decided I had to try it out. When I did I felt…underwhelmed, to put it politely.

    The game was ok and was probably pretty good for a game of its time, but after having played D3 first, it was like going from a complete in-home theater with surround sound and an 80 inch HD TV to a pop-up book read to me by my 7 year old.

    The graphics are weak, the gameplay is a bit clunky and non-intuitive, the storyline is fine and the character classes interesting, but there is nothing there to write home about.

    I see so, so many posts here on Reddit about how D2 is the "real" Diablo and is leagues beyond D3 in every way, but I just do not see it. At all.

    Its not like im some 17yo kid who sees older games/graphics and cant deal with it. Im 35. I cut my teeth on Super Mario Bros 3 and spent early adolescence playing Sega Genesis cartridge games and installing games like Star Wars: Tie Fighter and Command & Conquer to my PC from 3.5in floppy disks and loving those games. So, no, this is not a young kid who just cant appreciate anything older than Justin Bieber's first beard.

    When I look at D3 i simply see a more advanced, far and away better-looking, much more intuitive game that is a pretty natural progression from D2.

    So is this a case of video game hipsters who just want to look cool for liking old, inefficient ways of doing things? Is it too many layers of rose-tint on people's glasses? Nostalgia clouding minds? Or am I missing something fundamental?

    Because, as I see it, D3 was an improvement on D2 and I expect D4 to be better still, but I seem to be in a very small minority here.

    EDIT/ADDENDUM:: Since this got a bit more response than I expected and because I, unfortunately, dont have the time to reply to every comment I'll summarize my findings thus far.

    Basically, most of the replies have been pretty well reasonable and share a few common threads. Those being that D2 was one of the-or possibly the-game(s) that defined its genre for the time it was released, which means it was not only novel at its release, but is now seen as the basis for a lot of other games and, therefors, now has a sort of grandparent-like respect from many fans of ARPGs in general, and basic nostalgia. We all enjoy looking back at things and remembering good times while forgetting the bad ones. Its the same (and obviously only) reason the parents of u/pisulanu chose not to take them deep into the forest and shoot them like the insect-ridden and mange-infested rodent they are. Those good times, be they few or many, are always easier and preferable to remember compared to the bad times.

    My intention with this post was simply to figure out what aspect(s) of D2 I had missed/overlooked/not appreciated that so many other players seemed to have loved so much that they would call any variance or attempt at improvement a sacrilege as hideous as that foul creature that spawned u/pisulanu out of its birthing orifice. While I do seem to have gotten some quite reasoned and polite responses to that inquiry, I also awoke a few trolls from under their bridges. A few of whom tore themselves away from lustily gazing at teens during cheerleading practice and wistfully daydreaming about what it must be like to not hate themselves almost as much as everyone else both despises and pitied them.

    So, with that, I thank those who responded with well-thought out and well-reasoned responses like u/etr4807 and u/MojoAssassin13 and pray to the Old gods and the New that Legos litter the floors of a few select others who chose to defile our eyes with their vitriol and ignorance.

    EDIT/ADDENDUM 2:: I guess I'm a filthy casual.

    I am a single father of 2 elementary-age children. I do not have the time, nor the inclination, to put hundreds of hours into a game before I have a "good" character. I want to see at least some significant progress in a relatively short time or I will not want to continue because I simply can't take those 1000 hour journeys. If that makes me a "filthy casual" and precludes my being a "real" gamer or "true" fan of Diablo, so be it.

    submitted by /u/JonSnoWight
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    The leaks leading up to BlizzCon every year.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    Do you think Blizzard intentionally leaks from various sources to gauge the reaction of the fanbase before the actual live reveal?

    submitted by /u/Draethar
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    Life & Expectations

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    I've learned throughout my years that setting expectations will detract from one's ability to be content with their experiences. Let us remember that the video games of our past and youth were often mesmerizing and enchanting adventures we were enthralled with simply because we had no expectations for greatness or quality. Today news, sensational media, and peers through social media will often color our opinions and determine our level of anticipation for experiences before they're ever had.

    Blizzard will undoubtedly be announcing many projects over the coming weekend, however just because it's not the project you want them to be working on, or how you envision it being, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Let yourself experience it for what it is. If you have a preconception for what Diablo 4 has to be or the Remaster has to be, you'll likely just be letting yourself down. Just enjoy it, you don't have any control over what it will be. Just voice your opinion on the concept in a calm and respectful manner when it's presented, beyond that, it's out of our hands.

    I look forward to seeing the amazing community content based on the games after they're announced. Have a lovely week everyone.

    submitted by /u/ChaoticLuminary
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    So thrilled Diablo 1 is on GOG

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that Diablo 1 and Hellfire were re-released on GOG.

    I'm so thrilled to be playing D1 again, finishing normal as a Sorc in about a week. I'm now at the end of Nightmare difficulty with a character level of 32. I swear I spent hours trying to get my old CD ROM copies to work in Windows 10 prior to no avail.

    Anyone else have any good playthroughs recently?

    submitted by /u/gamechampionx
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    Expanding on the rich Sanctuary lore in new Diablo games

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    Anybody who has read even just one of the original Diablo novels (Kingdom of Shadow, Black Road, Moon of the Spider, Sin War trilogy etc) will tell you how awesome and captivating the setting of Sanctuary is.

    Even the mere idea of sorcerer warriors recruited by an angel, battling ancient evils for the fate of all mankind is sure to evoke gruelling images in your head.

    We thought we'd get something quite special indeed, when we saw the ruins of Ureh in the D3 trailer. For whatever stupid reason, the Kingdom of Shadow never saw the light of day in-game.

    We also went back to the infamous gates of Sescheron, where Baal first invaded the Barbarian highlands - seen in the Lord of Destruction cinematic. There's even a darkened old smear of blood where the Barbarian elder stood before Baal. Sescheron was allegedly to be featured in the rumored cancelled second D3 expansion, but again we never saw that. So several of the already-built in-game areas were added into the game independently of each other in free content patches, with no story connecting them.

    My point is, Sanctuary lore is so rich and vast, that it contains material which can fuel several more games, not just one. Now it's been said that Lilith (and possibly Inarius, since they are joined at the hip) will make her proper in-game debut in the next game, it's the perfect time to capitalize on this opportunity.

    We got an unofficial glimpse of them in D2's MedianXL mod, but it's high time we experienced these officially in a new Diablo game. It doesn't ALWAYS have to involve Diablo himself directly. And Baal got his own expansion, so what about poor cute lil Mephisto? Give him a chance to shine too.

    Well, having said all that, we got a week to go before all Burning Hells break loose (either way), so until next time take care of yourself.......and each other.

    submitted by /u/ImBloodyCrowley1661
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    Bank of America Leak on Blizzcon.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    A few questions about Diablos future

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:50 PM PDT

    First, if Diablo 4 is announced at blizzcon, when would you guess the release date would be?

    I see that Diablo 3 was announced in 2008 but didn't release until 2012. Waiting 4 years from now for D4 would be awful.

    Second, is there a chance they use the same west coast data centers they use for D3?

    I ask because I quit D3 due to the 100+ ping I get as an east coast U.S. player, and it would suck to be forced to avoid D4 for the same reason.

    submitted by /u/OriginalEdgyName
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    Can you trade items on console Diablo 3?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    I've played PC for years. Recently started playing with my nephew on console. Doesn't seem like there is an option to trade stuff.

    submitted by /u/SageLukahn
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    do we want PVP in an eventual D4?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/hernanjaft
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    Corpse Lance % Damage and Pestilence bonus

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Im running the blood and essence build for my necro and during LotD I only use devour with the pestilence set bonus to fire a corpse lance when a corpse is consumed. I was wondering if the + Corpse Lance % damage armor stat would apply to this or do I actually have to use the corpse lance skill in order to get the benefits of this stat?

    submitted by /u/NuckingFutz55
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    How much longer is this season?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    Just wanted to know if I should start grinding bounties yet to finish my build.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Diablo tags their Instagram post with #diablo4

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Pretty much confirms Diablo 4.


    EDIT: Wait probably false! Don't think it's an official account -- no blue tick, and that image posed is old (can see via tineye.com) -- sorry. :)

    submitted by /u/damanamathos
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    Should I wait for Diablo 3 to go on sale?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    I know that sometimes it's on sale but right now it's not.

    What would be a better idea? Buy it now at regular price or wait until it's on sale?

    When will the next sale be on?

    submitted by /u/raymendx
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    Hyped for Diablo 2 Remaster

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    Honestly I can't wait to relieve the story and the hype again just like when I was a teenager. No doubt this would bring back 95% of oldschool diablo2 fans back.

    Would love to plan builds again and endlessly farm baalruns for exp, forge for ists so I can trade them for HR's and to assemble my first enigma again, mephisto for uniques and so on..

    Join some duel games again, team duels as well..

    Find my first shako, build an actual summoner/necromancer, blizz sorc, WW barb..

    I am hyped for this game I think it would be a huge success contrary to what the front page post says now. I'd pay 60$ for it right away, even if just for resolution fix, couple new runewords and botters banned.

    submitted by /u/JessicaSc2
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