• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Diablo I can see it now...

    Diablo I can see it now...

    I can see it now...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    It's the opening ceremony, the segment for Hearthstone has just finished. It's Wyatt's turn to walk out. Everyone is waiting for him. But he doesn't walk out. He can't just walk out. He remembers Blizzcon 2018.

    Then the lights go dark...

    The iconic Diablo style music begins to play. The screen fades in to a cinematic. It's amazing, we love it, then 4 lines of flame engulf the screen. It's Diablo 4!

    Wyatt walks out on stage. This time around he is greeted like a golden god. He acknowledged that Blizzard heard the fans loud and clear. They wan't Diablo. He goes into a little more detail about the game. It's great but not what the Diablo 2 fans want. But still shows promise.

    Then Wyatt lets the crowd know there is more. They go on to announce that Diablo 2 is being remastered. They show a short video of the graphic improvements. Maybe they are making some QoL improvements, maybe they are not, but in general, everyone is hyped af now.


    The crowd is frothing with hype. Everyone wants Diablo right now. They can't wait.

    Then as a last move, Wyatt announces that Diablo Immortal is now available for download. Everyone is so caught up in the orgy of Diablo news and so horny for the franchise that they whip their phones out and download it right there on the spot.

    Then as everyone is starting at their screens waiting for the download, Wyatt smirks and thinks to himself, "I knew you had phones."

    submitted by /u/nakedbakerstv
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    Lilith holding Diablo's skull!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:22 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    Is it just me or has this week flown by? I can't believe tomorrow is the day we will likely hear D4s announcement. I really hope we get a D2R to hold us over. It would be more enjoyable to play than D3 IMO. I've been playing D1/3 last few weeks to get amped for BC, and a D2R would be so amazing to hear.

    Anyways WHO ELSE IS HYPED?!?!

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    u/Gorelight's Diablo 4 leak info from 4 months ago matches u/PracticalBrush12's info from today

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:33 PM PDT


    They both say the same stuff, I would never usually believe leaks but this one is pretty spot on...

    submitted by /u/AMD_CEO
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    Happy Halloween y'all

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    In my mind Diablo is the ultimate Halloween game. I listen to the D2 soundtrack every Halloween. That's all I have to say, cheers

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_CAR_PARTS
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    DooM Diablo Madness

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    Do you still remember this? Will it happen again this year?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    Luis Barriga - Diablo 4 game designer (insight)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    I hoped we'd dig more into the background behind Luis Barriga's history and his work.

    Personally, as anyone who watched Mr. Barriga speaks about his work and experience in videos such as:

    He won me with this video. Later on I watched other videos and interviews trying to figure out his mentality and sort of noticed in his latest video where he speaks about designing games how he developed into a someone I actually want to lead new diablo game.

    There was several videos where he talked about WoW expansion Legion as a senior game designer.

    The dude loves metal <3

    Pulled from wiki related to Diablo, he did work on Reaper of Souls which is (imo) the best thing that happened to Diablo 3. Along with other WoW expansion which will be glorified by some of the WoW players where he worked in the development of The Burning Crusade, Wrath Of The Lich King, The Cataclysm.

    All in all I think he's well rounded in terms of leading a game such as Diablo.

    With the Blizzard's experience related to customers (players) feedback about disliking the "casualizing" games and going back to its roots about having a real gameplay experience (WoW Classic and warcry for Diablo 2 remaster) I see this going into a really good direction. As much as I don't wanna have my hopes up in the sky. Taking all things into the consideration along with the Jason Schrier's article from Kotaku since last year past Blizzcon:

    "[Design director] Luis [Barriga] has a very strong vision for that game," said a former employee, "one that a lot of people are excited about at Blizzard."

    One key part of that vision is the art direction. During development of a game, many studios use what they call "pillars"—mantras that help define the game's goals so that everyone on the team is on the same page. For Fenris, one of those pillars is simple: Embrace the darkness.

    "There's a lot of people who felt like Diablo III got away from what made Diablo Diablo in terms of art style and spell effects," said a current Blizzard employee, adding that Fenris is aiming to look more like the beloved Diablo II. Said another: "They want to make this gross, make it dark, [get rid of] anything that was considered cartoony in Diablo III… Make what people were afraid of in Diablo II, but modern."

    It is really hard knowing all these things and have my hopes down. They are up again. And unfortunately I can't help it.

    As Saurfang said in the latest cinematic: "You cannot kill hope."

    Diablo <3

    submitted by /u/WizBornstrong
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    You guys really seemed to like my ideas for what systems should in D4, so I thought I make a thread about it.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    Some of you even gave me gold and silver for this comment I posted a few days ago in someones post, and so I thought I could make a separate thread for it, since you guys seemed to like it.

    A Passive Skill System in which you can spend points into



    An Attribute System that is an improvement over the one Diablo 2 had


    A Skill System for Active Skills like in Last Epoch



    Damage Dealing Skills having an Innate Damage Component, as well as a Weapon Damage Component



    Great, interesting and diverse Itemization

    More interesting Itemization and no more 'Skill X deals 800% increased damage' affixes, various endgame viable items for each slot to choose from, yellow and blue items being able to made useful.

    'Items should enhance the build, but not determine it!'

    I personally would prefer something like this:


    More interesting Gems and maybe even Runes



    A Darker and Grimmer Atmosphere



    A diverse Endgame, aka 'Endgame for Everyone'

    Various game modes being viable and at least somewhat equally efficient:

    Adventure Mode, Exploration, Rifts, Uberbosses, PvP, Story Mode, etc

    Solo-play being about as efficient as group play

    Don't have to explain this one further.

    Player-driven Character Customization

    No being forced to equip certain items or use specific skills if I don't want my build to suck.

    There is nothing wrong with best builds/items, as long as the best builds/items are not significantly stronger than average builds/items.

    Not being funneled into very specific builds/skills by massively overpowered items that only buff one skill or a specific set of skills. Instead, allow players to come up with builds on their own, by letting them use the skills and items they enjoy the most without letting their builds suck.

    Thanks for reading.

    I am still hyped for what tomorrows Blizzcon will bring.

    submitted by /u/clueso87
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    Diablo 4 Logo Mockup (Original Sources in the post)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Hey guys since there was a post showing the Diablo logo looking different at the Convention Center and someone posting the "IV" from a physical copy of the art book I decided to mock combine the two and clean up the colors some.


    deviantART: http://fav.me/ddjgifr


    sources for the images;
    "Diablo": https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/downr4/about_new_logo/
    "IV" from diablofans' discord: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/588506004178731029/639279520188465152/image0.jpg


    If you guys want to use this please by all means. Remove the signature too. Just let em know where you found the early mock-up.



    I love how this could look. I'll happy to see how close or if i was completely off the logo was.

    That therein is the fun for the hype this week.

    See you all in the coming days! Photoshop is open and ready to make new works!


    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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    Items and Diablo 4

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've been a fan of Diablo 1, 2 and 3 for many years like a lot of people. I actually enjoy each game and don't really hate any title in particular, although I admit Diablo 2 is my favorite. I think 3 brought a lot to the table for positives that they can build upon, but there is one thing I really wanted to talk about that while browsing on here I didn't see many people mention:

    The items and itemization.

    One thing I feel very strongly about, is having extremely rare types of items in a Diablo game. With Diablo 2 you had hard to find runes and some high end equipment. A large group of these items were very rare; so rare that even people today when they play D2 year after year don't find them. And I think that's one of the most thrilling, exciting things to ever be put in a game, and I really dislike how Diablo 3 got rid of this.

    Now I know what the argument might be: "But if they are that rare, why would we want them in the game, because nobody will end up having them or using them, and it's a waste of resources". I get that, but to me I don't need every item in Diablo. Just the fact that there is something to hunt that I may never see is amazing to me. That really went out the door when they changed how legendaries worked, along with set items and seasons. I admit Diablo 3 1.0 wasn't perfect either and the balance between getting uniques / legendary things was all over the place. But I stand behind this that there should be at least some items in the upcoming D4 that are extremely hard to find.

    I don't know if I'm in the minority on this (and if I am that's fine), but to me that's so much more interesting then just getting all of the gear you want after one month of playing a season in D3.

    submitted by /u/Pixel-Fun-Center
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    Wishlist for D4

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    • Harder to reach high lvls, no infinite lvls but extremely hard to reach max lvl.
    • A smoother progress on difficulties (no "oh, you got xxxx set now you can do endgame")
    • More complex stats, stat distribution, item requirement meaning something
    • Actual builds, skill levels, some type of system and not just isolated skills (like the synergies like in D2)
    • More meaningful boss fights, that are worth doing more than once
    • Harder boss fights that can't simply be facetanked
    • Make movement/positioning more meaningful, not just go as fast as you can
    • Not unlocking everything while you lvl, but allow resets
    • No stupid large arbitrary numbers (sure 10000% is not a sign of an issue /s)
    • No mandatory 100% uptime buffs for certain builds (die after a second without it)
    • No meaningless healthpool since you are either at 100% or dead
    • (Hard) No so obvious best choice for items
    • (Really personal) Unlimited/Huge stash space (I'm a hoarder for uniques)

    • RUNEWORDS (To attend demands)

    What would You guys add or remove from this list?

    submitted by /u/TheGreatZed
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    My guess: There will be no D2 Remastered

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    This is only a prediction, but my guess is that there will be no D2 Remastered, but instead Diablo 4 will feel like a remaster only because it will take all the elements from D2 that made it one of the best game ever.

    I think this because the recent leak talk about an approach to make D4 just like D2, and he doesn't have info about D2 remastered.

    submitted by /u/k_nello
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    I hope someone like him can hired to get hands on what could be d1 or d2 remake

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    D4: Can we please pretend that nephalem stuff never happened?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    And the playable characters go back to being simple mortals which are fighting against something much more frightful and strong?

    submitted by /u/Juketo
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    D1 Info/Tips/Strategies

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    So I just recently got the emulator for D1 on my mobile and have been enjoying just messing around and getting back in to the feel of the game.

    That being said, I am looking to optimize as much as possible for my 2 characters. I do plan on deleting them as they are and starting over once I am ready to go at it with a more aggressive attitude.

    My questions are....

    Which Bow is the best to attain? Which Axe? Which 1h and Shield and so forth. I plan to have a warrior and a rogue both set to be as good as possible.

    I know that you can buy from the blacksmith dude and get different things from him. I also know you can check his inventory, save, exit and reload for different items.

    At what character levels and floor levels is this worth doing??

    Also, if I remember right, there is another merchant called Wirt or something like that. Haven't run across him yet and forgot where or when he comes in and has good stuff available.

    It has been so many years since I've actually played in the way of trying to attain the more powerful items and for the ability to get entire completion that most of that info no longer resides in the depths of my memory.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Blackseoul90
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    Do you think D4 will be filled with immersion-killing pets, wings and transmogs like D3/WOW/Every other multiplayer game out there?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:25 AM PDT

    Just saw this WOW-tweet and it almost made me throw up. It looks straight outa fortnite with silly dances and costumes. https://twitter.com/Warcraft/status/1189624336677818368?s=20

    It made me realise that how much as we want that dark, gothic world full of dispair, times has changed and we most likely will get a world full of mini azmodans, clown-transmogs, wings, dances?? to go with that.

    submitted by /u/NikoBadman
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    I'm sorry but, i think i like Diablo Immortal.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    First of all, Diablo immortal isn't that bad because it's something new related to our loved Diablo and second i can finnaly play something interesting on my phone when it launches. Diablo is still Diablo so no matter what, I'll still love it. Let's hope for Diablo 4 at Blizzcon.

    submitted by /u/ImperiusFate
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    Blizzcon 2019 opening ceremony countdown

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    Does anyone know where I can find one?:)

    submitted by /u/Fructowin
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    when will be the diablo announcements at blizzcon for german time?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    sorry for butchering the title, the timezones got me all confused, when are the Hall D announcements at blizzcon in german time?

    submitted by /u/W33DM4573R
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    Podcast Episode 74: Blizzcon Predictions & Leaks

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:33 AM PDT

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