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    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Diablo Diablo 4 information leak [SPOILER!]

    Diablo Diablo 4 information leak [SPOILER!]

    Diablo 4 information leak [SPOILER!]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    Hey there you arrogant nephalems! My servants...

    Whatever, I got some news about Diablo 4 for you all and I think you will like it despite what's been recently happening... If you don't want - don't believe me, especially since I can't provide any sources for this... My "history" could convince you but eh - I won't force anyone!

    Diablo 4 is actually going to look dark, gritty and gross - no more rainbow shiny bullshit this time! Loactions are toned down, infrequently laid with corpses, wasteland, greyish deserts, clut caves surrounded by flesh, rotten crypts, marshes and bogs, plagued cities you name it. They are also seemingly much bigger, maybe even open? Characters now are able to ride horses (possibly other mounts), also there's contextual interaction with environment ? - climbing a wall Lost Ark style. Blood splatters look more like blood and not splashed jam too.

    So far i can confirm 3 classes: mage (uses fire, ice and lightning so far), barbarian (swords, clubs, axes, kicks etc), and druid (lightning, wind, and transforming into beasts - so far bear and werewolf!).

    Possibly there will be PvP from the start?. 4 player coop is there for sure.

    All this game seems to be is a W I N K to the Diablo 2 fans, Lilith being the new diablo (she's covered in blood veil kinda), characters being shown sitting at a campfire as character selection, nitty gritty dark style that 2 was praised for, some skills also seem to be just taken from it and put in here (like sorceress' charged bolt). I'm interested and hope they don't fuck this up. The company is bad, but the game might not be this time.

    2 points with "?" are just because it's not clear to me tbh... let's see what they say at the conference

    no date yet too.. sorry.. If any questions I will answer later

    Brushie out!

    submitted by /u/PracticalBrush12
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    Blizzard fueling the HypeTrain

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Why do folks seem to want D4 to be a D2 clone?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    As an extreeeemely casual player of Diablo over the years, help me understand. I see a lot of folks hyped for a D2 remaster. I also see a lot of folks that want D4 to be a lot more like D2 than D3 was. To the point that any substantial changes to the Diablo formula sound like automatic dealbreakers.

    But that's what I don't get. Why do you want a remaster of a 20 year old game AND a sequel to that game that is pretty much the same game? Put another way, if D2 remaster comes out why are y'all not more open to D4 taking more risks? As an avid WoW player over the years, I'm hopeful that the existence of WoW Classic will open up the door for Retail to mess with the MMO formula more not less. So I'm stumped why Diablo fans want D4 to stick to the formula harder.

    Anyway, love the passion of the fandom here. I hope the announcements this week are everything y'all want.

    EDIT: I should probably have added a follow up question. How do you make D4 a better successor to D2 while also making it a substantively different game?

    submitted by /u/AuditorBidet
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    Mysterious Diablo Items at Blizzcon Store

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:45 PM PDT

    In the Blizzcon store folder like every year they show a lot of items, but most importantly the items that will be unveiled after the opening ceremony are mostly from Diablo


    submitted by /u/Herenvardo
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    Diablo 2 Music - Stay awhile and listen - 2 hours featuring all Diablo 2 Tracks + "New Tristram" from Diablo 3 (Do check the description as there are clickable links for every track, thank you and enjoy and GL with Blizzcon ..!).

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    The Story of Anu - Nobbel87

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    If Diablo 4 has a Necromancer class, I hope the "Revive" spell will come back

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:32 AM PDT

    It was, in my opinion, the funniest spell to use as a necromancer.

    Being able to summon skeletons and golems is fun, but reviving the enemies I've killed is amazing.

    submitted by /u/Doneos
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    D4 - Trading?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I havent seen anyone mention this, maybe I'm in the minority. One thing that pissed me off was account bound loot. Hope this doesnt stick around..

    submitted by /u/Aegoth_Darko
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    Diablo 4 needs to handle end game difficulty / scaling better.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I understand adding +% hp and dmg is a good way to Stat check your character but it's awfully boring and static. Affixes are pretty cool, not much to say there other than they can make the screen far too busy.

    The biggest difference I've gathered between D2 and D3 endgame is D3 is rifts, while randomized within, are still the same game mode time after time, and that is your primary way to find items and level up. It's a brainless decision.

    D2 on the other hand has an array of options to pick from for magic finding, gold finding, or leveling up. Different zones with different monster levels dictate certain items you may be specifically looking for, and on top of that, certain zones have certain mobs which are good/bad for certain builds (immunes mostly).

    Shout-out to Dbrunski's streams for showcasing the depth of endgame tasks. He could be grinding up to like 15 different zones for different things while a D3 streamer is either plowing thru rift after rift or maybe I guess running bounties.

    Anyways, please let the endgame not be a power creep nightmare again.

    Edit: I suppose I could have been more clear; I wasn't trying to say D2 is the cast and D4 should be its mold. I was trying to convey that D3's endgame wasn't very dynamic, and the dynamics it had were fairly boring mechanics (+%dmg to infinity as I mentioned). D2's endgame had a lot more choices for you to make regarding where and what to farm - D3, just enter a Rift or Greater Rift for loot or bounties for reagents, no optimizing or decision making necessary. IMO, D4 needs to recreate the wheel for ARPG end game content or have an unprecedented level of progression that isn't a mindless grind into oblivion.

    submitted by /u/BoomShackles
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    Diablo I - I finally slayed the Dark Lord of Terror!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    I just now completed Diablo 1 and I must say it was a great experience...[lv 25 Rogue]

    For an old game, despite the mouse mashing clicks, there is tact in this game especially during the final levels. Memorable NPC's, cool monster designs(special mention goes to the big demons,butcher,knights and succubi) and the addictive nature of this game is really what cements this game as great game of all time in my mind.

    The real walls that i hit while playing diablo 1 was those spitters in the caves levels and oh boy that blood knights and succubi... They slaughtered me in just a few moments but thank God I survived them.[ and what was that death scream for the rogue... my parents thought it was something else]

    My first diablo game was diablo II and It was really awesome when I played it. I never got past act II though. Now I'm planning to beat that game too.

    I'm was really surprised that the first miniboss Blood raven is really actually the rogue class from diablo I !

    submitted by /u/Critically_savage
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    Here's the original Diablo soundtrack

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    For all the people who never got to know about the original idea of Diablo, the sound gives you an idea what Diablo is about. It's above Diablo 2 music in my opinion. Diablo 3 has nothing to do with any of that.

    This atmosphere sets the tone for a real Diablo game:


    submitted by /u/MidnightQ_
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    What's the most badass way Blizzard could introduce Diablo 4?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    My money is on Matt Uelman walking on stage during the opening ceremony, introducing himself, and playing a metal version of the Tristram theme throughout all the other announcements.

    submitted by /u/domiran
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    What was your first experience with the Diablo series?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    When I was a little kid I remember watching my dad play Diablo 1, and I'd either watch or use potions when he was low on life/mana. I memorized the quest lines that the wounded towns person gave to the player and got in trouble when my mom heard me say "bastard". Of course not long after I got diablo 2 and Starcraft and learned a lot more on the early battle.net days.

    submitted by /u/iBleeedorange
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    Is my Blizzard account linked to my switch?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    So I just bought Diablo 3 on the switch after playing the PC demo. I had a starcraft pet when I played it on PC and now I have it on Switch too as well as the mercy wings from overwatch. Do you get those two for free or are my accounts linked and I forgot about it?

    submitted by /u/MrSnek123
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    Trag-Oul in Diablo 4

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    Trag-Oul for the unknowing is a celestial Guardian of Sanctuary, regardless if we get a prequel or sequel, i think we need to encounter this Dragon.

    Necromancer supposedly act along his will. Trag Oul would side or go against demons, angels or human to preserve balance in the world. IMO he should side with demons IF its a sequel because nephalems really got out of proportions in terms of power (100 Billion DPS buildZ wtf lol) .

    he would make a pretty epic fight(fighting him wouldnt make alot of sense though) or cinematic... yeah definetly a cinematic. Imagine him manifesting to change our path, destroy our power or power up demons.

    |The Books of Kalan describe Trag'Oul as a celestial dragon whose body resembles a constellation of stars.[11]

    | Trag'Oul entered Sanctuary for the first time just after the Purge by Lilith and Inarius's subsequent reactions. The dragon materialized for just a few seconds, long enough to lay the groundwork for Rathma's discovery of him.[5] Trag'Oul was the first being to understand the Balance.[6] From Trag'Oul, Rathma learnt of the Balance, the Worldstone, and how Sanctuary was created.

    submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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    How to Finish Diablo 1 Multiplayer?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    So with the excitement of the leaks, I've decided to run through the first game with my partner to get ready for D2 remaster. Diablo 1 imo has aged like fine cheese, a bit of dodgy stuff on the side but just adds to the flavour, really nice and old school.

    But I'm having a problem, we are casual players and probably only get through a few floors every session. The dungeon randomises and we lose our progress, essentially "soft reset" every time we re-launch the game. Does this become a non-issue as we level up and can just AoE down the old floors eventually? Normal mode. I'm even considering leaving my PC on with the server up 24/7 lol.

    submitted by /u/shim3d
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    Macro for Necro (or any class, really)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    So, we all know Necro is heavily macro dependent.

    Unfortunately, neither my laptop nor my keyboard (Ducky one 2 mini) has a numlock key. So, my question is: Are there any alternatives that I can use to make this happen?

    submitted by /u/Hemingway-Throwaway
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    We still might get surprised with earlier than expected Diablo II Remaster, IF announced

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    Let me start out by saying that Im one of those skeptical for D2RE being announced, even though we have some leaks of it happening this Blizzcon.

    We all remember the backlash of fans when Diablo Immortal was announced last year. Im sure many people are still furious and even heart broken about it. Last year, after the announcement followed by negative reaction all over the place, Allen Adham said:

    "We have said that we have multiple Diablo teams working on multiple Diablo projects and that remains true, even after releasing [Diablo 3 for Nintendo] Switch and announcing Diablo: Immortal, we still have multiple Diablo teams working on multiple unannounced Diablo projects. Diablo is a tentpole franchise for us. And it always will be. We love it. We hope our fans understand what we're saying when we say that."


    I know that Blizzard has a dedicated team who have worked on Starcraft Remastered and now working on Warcraft 3 Reforged. But why everyone thinks that is the same team waiting to start working on possible D2 Remaster?

    What if Blizzard have separate team working on it as we speak and is one of those "we still have multiple Diablo teams working on multiple unannounced Diablo projects."? I think Blizzard will try to push Diablo 4 for Holiday 2020 and ride on that PS5 hype train, or early 2021. It just doesnt make sense to me to release D2 Remaster close to D4 release, if its in early development stage. Otherwise we are atleast 2-3 years away from D4 release.

    submitted by /u/ArcticBrew
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    What are the 4 Act themes and their hubs you want to see in D4?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    Assuming there will be 4 acts.

    submitted by /u/Karna1394
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    Can someone explain this to me, because all this negativity has me wondering...

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    I get on the surface how it seems like Blizzard is kowtowing to China, but it seems to me that the desire to make their gaming environments apolitical makes sense and violating the rules that try to maintain that position warranted some kind of punishment otherwise you make your games divisive. I hardly think a Hearthstone tournament is the place to address political and social issues, and really it seems like any response would be met with derision. Additionally we cannot quantify how gaming has changed Chinese social culture, but given that consoles were forbidden until recently, once could argue the more access to games the better for the Chinese populace in the future.

    That said, I feel there is some hypocrisy among gamers, particularly those that deride Blizzard but refuse to boycott wholly owned Chinese subsidiaries such as: GGG, Riot, Epic and Supercell (among many others). One might argue Epic's statement as a defense of their business practices. But given Epic's recent influx of cash via Fortnite, one might wonder if the intent was to upset their Chinese investors in order to reclaim their company, while also upping their profile via internet mob. At the very least, they continue to funnel cash into Tencent, making them just as culpable.

    A friend of mine made a point of not wanting to play Chinese owned games, claiming Destiny 2 was free from Chinese influence. When I pointed out that Netease (of Diablo Immortal notoriety) had invested a large sum of money with Bungie in order to create a new IP. Upon hearing this, my friend, in his desire to play D2, proceeded to perform mental gymnastics to justify his decision to continue.

    It seems like everyone is an activist when its convenient...

    submitted by /u/KLebaredian
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    Diablo 4 business model

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    So I have been scouring this reddit day after day for new "leaks" and such, while waiting for blizzcon on friday.

    It's safe to say (at least hope lol) that Diablo 4 will be announced, but something I have been thinking about lately is how blizzard will monetize it and which business model they will go for.

    The ones I have been thinking of are:

    - Pay 69.99$ as a one-off and then get the full experience including all patches etc. (not expansions).

    The downside of this is that blizzard wont be making money in the long haul and is probably less likely to bring BIG GIGA patches that we all would like to see.
    - Pay 69.99$ as a one-off and then pay a monthly fee of maybe 12.99$, kinda like WoW.

    Here's a tough one. Do we want to play a subscription based diablo 4, even if it meant that we would get more prominent and regular patches with new content more often? This would also exclude the playerbase that likes to play offline (even though they're probably screwed anyhow, online-only seems to be the way to go nowadays.)

    - Pay 69.99$ as a one-off and have the possibility of an ingame microtransaction store, with different skins and transmogs (MTX if you will).

    This might seem like a good idea, and probably better than the subscription based formula. However, I know there are people who are gonna take a negative stance to this model since if you pay a AAA price for a - hopefully - AAA game, you would probably like to get everything that the game has to offer included in that price as well.

    And for the last option, which I put highly in favour personally.

    - Let the basegame be free-to-play, but release player packs/supporter packs to finance the game, and also have an ingame microtransaction store. (PoE style)

    This might be controversial to some, but for me - this is what would maybe make the most sense.
    They would most likely regain the player base that have lost all faith in Diablo, at least just to try it out since it's for free, and the ones that are still hype and want to support the game would buy packs that would give you some sort of cool skin or whatever D4 now will contain - Pets, Housing, Clans or whatever.

    As long as they don't make it pay to win, or gate certain in game mechanics behind the paywall it seems like a smart idea.

    That's just my 2 cents. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/KidDojo
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    I got confirmation of a new D3 dev build at blizzcon.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

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