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    Sunday, May 30, 2021

    Diablo Please Blizzard, add a Holy Grail stash tab in D2R

    Diablo Please Blizzard, add a Holy Grail stash tab in D2R

    Please Blizzard, add a Holy Grail stash tab in D2R

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Ofc it could just be a list you unlock by identifying items but I feel being a tab would have an extra flavour to it, some kind of Trophy display

    • Accountwide

    • items in it cannot be reclaimed* (mainly to avoid offending purists who would consider it as an extra storage system), unless you switch for another same item(for those who want to reach PErfect items)

    • progression status

    • sets and uniques

    • has a spot for everyone of them

    *ihonestly don't care if it's reclaimable or not, just preventing purists backlash

    For those who don't the holy grail is a personal challenge D2 players partake in, it consist in collecting all set and unique items in the game, they usually do it with the help of Plugy for infinite stash and a website to save their progress

    But having it has a ingame challenge would be AWESOME!

    submitted by /u/Power_Creep
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    Does anyone know who did this amazing D2 art? Style reminds me of 80's sword and sorcery books/movies, and I want more.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Anyone want play Diablo 2 from beginning to end?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    I never got to play with other people

    submitted by /u/Bootysauce8008
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    What is the appeal of loot-based games (like Diablo) to you?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Hey. It is not the intention of mine to come off as provocative or anything. I am talking about D1 and 2 here, since i have never played 3.

    Personally, i am kind of in a weird spot. I really do like Diablo. I enjoy the setting, the music, the aged but artistically sound graphics, the bits of story that we are given, etc. I have a huge nostalgia for Diablo 2, since i used to watch my older brother play this game when i was a kid ( i hadn't played Diablo 1 until 2019, though)

    However, i have never been fully convinced by the idea of a game that's based on loot. Don't get me wrong, it's great when in video games you find a cool sword that's twice as good as your current one, or a rare ring, etc. But the concept of a game that's ENTIRELY based on loot is weird to me. So while i like Diablo, i feel really mixed about it (and other games like that, for instance Grim Dawn etc.).

    First of all, building your character by yourself is suicidal. Unless you are lucky or some sort of a genius, your "build" (i don't like that word for some reason) WILL suck big time. I would often find that when i post my "builds" online, people will immediately jump "Why did you put 5 point into x? 1 is enough... why did you invest in that skill instead of that one? Your build SUCKS! What the hell were you thinking?". This makes me sad, since i often feel attached to my first character. I don't want to look up "proper" builds online. Nor do i want to spend 5 hours farming for one particular item to improve my "build".

    Second, that kind of game is UNBELIEVABLY time consuming. I have a lot of free time, since i am on vacation. I spend more time playing games than most people would judge reasonable... But despite that, games like Diablo can be very overwhelming. It's not just a game you can launch and play 2 hours a week. You need to devote yourself to killing hundreds of mobs only so that you finally level up/get something half decent. I am on Nightmare now... before i could kill the Ancients and Baal on Normal, i had to grind for some 7 hours because otherwise i was getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter. And when i do, i find myself thinking "holy crap, did i really just spend x hours of real life time only to get a video game item that i could probably have simply added by editing a save file? Really?"

    Third, i understand getting nice items can be nice, but why should it take priority over worldbuilding/story etc.?

    Fourth, let's face it, most of the loot is FUCKING TRASH, pardon my French. I kill a strong NPC and see an amulet drop out of him. I press 4 to open a portal, quickly run to Deckard Cain... +5 strength, while i already have more than 100. Fuck off. I see an amulet, and of course it will be something like +7% poison resistance. I see a weapon, i temporarily throw out my charms to make inventory space, i take it to Cain... aaaaaaand it has slightly better damage than my current one, but slower attack speed and no additional bonuses. I am in Nightmare, and my gloves are defense 8, +10% attack speed, 19% defense, fire res +10%, poison res +25%, half freeze duration. I have never seen any better fall out of an enemy, but i am stuck with a trash item. It's infuriating.

    Fifth, with all due respect, but i don't think the genre should be called "Action Roleplaying-Game". There is little to no roleplay involved. I believe it should be renamed to "action-looter games" or something.

    So please don't be mean to me, but i am curious why exactly do you like loot based game. What appeals to your about them, exactly? Do you enjoy spending many real life hours just to get an item?

    As i said i am conflicted since i like Diablo, and i like what the developers created with it back in the 90's/early 00's, but i am not a fan of games based on loot. I really like games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1&2 or Pillars of Eternity.

    And please don't tell me "if you don't like it, don't play it". I hate hearing that. I am just engaging in a debate. And as i said it's not that i don't like Diablo at all, it's just that i am conflicted.

    Why do you enjoy loot-based games?

    submitted by /u/C111tla
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    D2R Picture Assets of Items

    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place, but does anyone know where to get D2R pictures of all the Unique and Set items? I always wanted to make a D2R Holy Grail app/site. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/playkowski
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    Letteuce out!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Does Diablo 1's "The Hell" Mod change or exclude anything story-related?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    I noticed the completion of scrapped quests, which is fine.

    I'm also noticing lots of new things like classes and am worried this will fuck with one of the things i love most about the og diablo and 2: the mfcking lore.

    How's that lore tho? they don't fuck with it like hellfire?

    submitted by /u/Wonde_Alice_rland
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    If Blizzard allowed only 1 QOL to be added to the D2R, which one would you like it to be (not considering what has been confirmed)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:04 AM PDT

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