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    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    Diablo The Maggot King D4 preview

    Diablo The Maggot King D4 preview

    The Maggot King D4 preview

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Diablo II Lord of destruction Intro 8k (Remastered with Machine Learning AI)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:27 AM PST

    I'm a grinding idiot

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST

    Spend over 6k bloodshards and about 500 breath to get aughilds set just to recognize that its only craftable

    submitted by /u/Glaciem94
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    Can we please not have the "Near Death Experience" type of skill/passive/item in D4 like every character has on D3?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Was having a discussion about skills on one of the threads and this thing just hit me. Playing with that ability is like the devs wanna help you not die when that's the shit we're supposed to tackle on our own. It's kinda like the worst idea to implement in a gory, dark and evil game where everything is trying to kill you and then things are made easy for you to play - Handicap mode.

    It was so great back in D1 & D2 where dying actually had certain penalties and it was rough! Like you'd try your level best not to freaking die even though you're playing a softcore character. Staying alive actually meant so much. Whereas now in D3 we just spam shit and dive into mobs thinking who cares I technically got 2 lives at like every 1 minute proc, so I'm good.

    Idk if everyone feels the same way about this but it personally feels weird and that kinda killed the excitement and thrill of being in a battle. I mean staying alive, having potions to use and having a dash ability to escape the danger when necessary, port back to town - repair - get back out there and wreak havoc with a better strategy! That's what it's supposed to be like... And if you happen to die in action, fortify your character with better upgrades, strategy, try again and nail it the next time. Figure out how if you fail again, bring a group of friends to go beat it together or something, then move on for the next wave to challenge!

    I'd very much like to see the challenge in fighting mobs, in other games sometimes it's even difficult and needs strategies to fight even the regular champions / mobs. Not because they have a shit load of health & defense and they hit you like a truck but because you actually need to strategize on how to kill it. What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/ohitszie
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    Please add pet pickup of crafting material

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:40 PM PST

    They grab gold, so why not do this too?

    submitted by /u/Avalloc
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    Implement Global Hardcore Deaths Counter per region/worldwide

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Hi guys and dev team,

    As a hardcore player, I always wanted to know how many characters died in a hardcore mode globally & overall per region.

    Please implement a global and regional Hardcore Deaths Counter somewhere in the game's menu.

    Filters can be:

    • Today
    • Current month
    • Since the first day of the game release
    • Boss fights

    I think it is quite interesting to know how many characters have died already in HC.

    Please support this thread as your deeds of valor will be remembered.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/forthegranny
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    Elite and Legendary enemies shouldn't just be blue\yellow\enlarged

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Back in D3 (and also in PoE), I didn't like glowing auras surrounding elite and legendary enemies, literally all the elites looked the same. It was such an underwhelming change from D2, where the appearance of these kinds of enemies was affected by their traits.

    I hope the elites & legendaries will look differently depending on their traits (e.g a skeleton with ice effects have an icy form, etc..), similar to D2 but with extra detail utilizing the new engine. They don't necessarily have to be 2 times bigger than their regular form, because that's just lazy.

    submitted by /u/p0lyamorous
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    Thanks for telling me about Path of Diablo!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:40 PM PST

    Wow, there are 100s of people playing it's just like it was in 00s haven't played in about a decade. I'm glad you guys told me about it.

    Cof 1 if anyone wants to help me out. Level 23 so far. I don't have a farm character yet. I usually do Pally - Sorc - Zon. In that order.

    submitted by /u/Gunswetta
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    Duriel is back - short gameplay preview

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    Blizzard: If Diablo 4 doesn't have a room as gruesome and terrifying as this, then your "return to darkness" will fail.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Making Ultimates Interesting without Removing them Entirely

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

    So talking to people in another post about Ultimate skills, it got me thinking about balancing them. A lot of people say they don't like them because in D3 they basically became mandatory to have running at all times, and I agree with this. Instead of providing interesting flavour and choice, they just became a buff you found a way to have running constantly. Cooldown on them effectively became pointless, which thereby destroyed any sense of balance in them. There is no other skill in D3 that gives you the average dps boost those Ultimate skills do. Naturally, to 'solve' this, people suggest just not having Ultimate skills altogether, but I think that's a mistake, because they do provide cool flavour if done correctly.

    Take for example the Conduit skill they showed us in the D4 Demo. Many people playing that Demo, including Quin and others, really liked that skill and thought it was a ton of fun. And it is! You get to turn into a giant deathball and blink all over the place like a psycho. The problem is though, the way it is currently balanced via cooldown presents us with the same issue as D3. If that skill ends up giving you the highest DPS, people will just find ways to optimize to have it running constantly and ignore everything else. For a damaging skill like that, cooldown alone isn't really enough to make it a sensible balance lever. Too long of a cooldown and no one will use it because it won't keep up with other dps skills, too short, everyone will only use it because it's optimal.

    So what's the solution? Well, why not apply a targetted penalty to using ultimates, rather than just a cooldown? Make the cooldown shorter, so you can choose to use them more frequently if you wish, but make the penalty for using an ultimate skill something meaningful and something that forces people to also use other skills in conjunction. So referring back to the example of Conduit from D4, why not make it a 15 second cooldown, but for 15 seconds after the cooldown is over, you do 70% less Lightning damage. Balance its damage so that in a pinch against a tough opponent or massive pack it can obliterate them, but you are now disincentivized from spamming it, because after a couple casts it does 0 damage and nerfs the rest of your Lightning kit. Now you are forced to maybe take an additional Fire skill for damage to offset whenever that Lightning ultimate debuff is on you, and you are incentivized to only use it when necessary. It also means you can still use the skill every 15 seconds to go invincible and blink your way out of a possible death, but it won't do any at that point on subsequent casts unless you wait it out. It gives you a compelling gameplay choice to make rather than just "spam for dmg".

    So what do you guys think? Would this be fun? Could we apply this concepts to other "Ultimate" skills on other classes to make it work? Are there any other novel ways you can think to make Ultimates more interesting to use without making them game-breaking?

    Edit: Guys.... if you just came here to say get rid of ultimate abilities, please save that for another place and time. I was trying to see if people could come up with ways to make them work. There's a lot of negativity in this sub about what people think can't be done, I'd like people to try talking about how things can be done! It's in the title.

    submitted by /u/RealityRush
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    Controversial (?) opinion - Trading should be limited.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:42 PM PST

    So I've been playing PoE recently to take a break from fantastic Grim Dawn and while reading PoE forums, looking for builds to try out etc. It's clear how broken that game is and one of the reasons for that is economy.

    So PoE has free trading and currency drops (there is no gold). It also has very "punishing" RNG system that makes legendary drops very rare (that's good) and also most of the time usless for your character (that's not good). On top of that endgame is rather punishing (that's good) so... and that's not me overreacting, it forces trading upon players (that's not good).

    So let's go back to Auction House in D3 - Every early D3 player remembers how it broke the game due to the fact that it was waaaaaay better to just farm gold in order to search of the best item on AH rather than play the game and gather loot for yourself (aaaa "good, old days" of manticore crossbow being expensive af). That's what's going on in PoE endgame right now. Players don't really grind for good loot but rather grind for currency and THEN they buy maps and loot.... Yup... That sounds like fun....

    So I'm not saying that I don't want trading back but after giving it a second thought I actually do want Blizzard to limit trading to either resource materials/blue,yellow items or limit legendaries by giving them a timer or once you change stats on your item using cube it's bound to your account... I don't know, all I do know is I never want to play trading game inside aRPG anymore.
    So yeah, I might be in minority but hell... After just playing PoE I switched instantly into SSF. Free trade sound good on paper but in reality it really is a clusterf*ck.

    submitted by /u/Whoopy2000
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    Blizzard Be Like: "No Load Screens Is Our Best Idea Yet"

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    Went blizz sorc but need to deal with cold immune in hell, what 2nd spell should I invest?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    As title says, currently a blizzard sorc and will need a 2nd spell for cold immune mobs in hell. What would be the best 2nd spell to invest in?


    submitted by /u/springfieldnoob
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    D4 needs to bring back uniques from D2 UNIDENTIFIED!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:24 PM PST

    All the items that were dropped in the D4 demo were already identified which is a big NONO. Players want the excitement to identify the item to see what roll we get. Which also makes trading more fun as well since we can trade uniques unidentified (like in D2).

    D4 also needs to bring back more of the classic items like Vampire gaze Stormshield Shaftstop Shako Skullders Vipermagi Buriza/windforce String of ears War travelers Arkaines valor Arreats Titans Lidless wall Occy Magefists Frostburns Grandfather

    And the list can go on. I also believe that eth items in D4 wouldn't be a bad idea as well. Eth items in D2 added so much more content to the game especially since runes were viable.

    submitted by /u/Sahn1989
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    What do you guys believe the other classes are that weren’t revealed are?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:21 PM PST

    I have a feeling they aren't witch doctor or demon hunter only because of the direction they are taking for diablo 4.

    submitted by /u/ThAtonetim3
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    About the Lilith statue

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Hey all! Is this one of those things where you aren't charged immediately, but instead are charged closer to the shipping date? On the site it talks about shipping next year.

    For those that have bought it already, were you charged immediately?

    submitted by /u/Noxavian
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    Diablo 4 ads on YouTube

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    My non-gamer girlfriend turned on her favorite 5 minute crafts YouTube channel on her iPad today and said "Diablo 4 ad made it to my YouTube.".

    Are there any theories why the is my absolutely non-gamer gf getting ads at least two years prior the unannounced release? I don't use her iPad and nothing gamer related gets in her recommended section.

    Did Blizzard come to conclusion they have too much money anyway? Or marketing department realized they have to spend the their budget before the end of year?

    I'd imagine ads 3 - 6 months prior the release, not sooner so what gives?

    submitted by /u/pichmeister
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    Long Time Player...Just Redownloaded

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    So I'm a long time Diablo fan, since the days of dial up and Diablo 2. I'm having some difficulty and wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I redownloaded the game but I'm unable to play adventure mode and do all that fun stuff. Why is it having me go back through story mode? Is there a way to get around this?

    submitted by /u/Ramb0SW
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    If mobility skills like teleport are included in D4, please make them work consistently.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Mobility skills in D3 have never worked consistently for me. It feels at times like there are invisible walls in some spots like between platforms or edges of stairs while in others you can pop over there without any issue. If they are added, please make them either like charge or clear in where you can and cannot go.

    submitted by /u/pseudonondispo
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    Targets of Posession : The new Dark Wanderers

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    If given a choice, who do you want Diablo or any of the Evils to possess?

    submitted by /u/Screwbreaker
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    New Crusader/Monk sets have no set dungeons

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:06 PM PST

    With everything going on, totally forgot that there should be two whole new set dungeons with the patch. Alas, there are none. "You are not appropriately garbed to read this tome" appears when reading the Tome of Set dungeons.

    submitted by /u/puntmasterofthefells
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    Diablo 3 24h Challenge in China returns November 23-24

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:10 PM PST

    submitted by /u/B1ackDaemon
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