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    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Diablo Blue Post: System Design in Diablo IV (Part I)

    Diablo Blue Post: System Design in Diablo IV (Part I)

    Blue Post: System Design in Diablo IV (Part I)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:25 AM PST

    To David Kim, I disagree that a level cap grants the player a feeling of completion

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    I honestly think the feeling of completion comes way more from personal goals you've set up for yourself.

    beating a certain Boss or Uber Boss

    reaching a certain threshold in PvP

    Aquiring enough magic find to effectively farm for your other characters

    a Smiter in D2 would feel complete when it could easily take on the Ubers.

    every league i play PoE my goal is to reach Uber Elder or at least the Shaper if i "failed" my build.

    Hell, reaching level cap should be a terrifying goal, not just a fake accomplishment that just means "welcome to the end-game" that everyone can reach easily

    If the end-game is rich enough in content, people will naturaly make their character to reach their own goal.

    We already know what the concepts of expantions will .. the WoW approach, to increase level caps by 10 or 20 and give a false sense of power

    instead,imo, you should be twisting game mechanics and adding on to the already rich end-game that should be in place

    Just my two cents

    submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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    Diablo II - What’s The Deal With Act III?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:49 AM PST

    I'm currently playing through Diablo II so far in my hype for Diablo IV, I've never actually played Diablo I or II, I know all about the story with Diablo II however because I used to watch my Dad play, he was extremely addicted during the days of the game's peak. Now I'm getting the chance to play through these myself, Diablo III was the first time I truly played a Diablo game.

    Onto my topic, I'm up to Act V but looking back on my time so far and looking at discussion threads surrounding Diablo II from across the years, there seems to be a certain stigma surrounding Act III. Apparently it's annoying, skippable and one of the worst Acts in the game.

    And I found this odd because during my time playing, I've found Act III to be one of the best things in the franchise, one of my favourite Acts. I couldn't fathom the negativity surrounding the map, the enemies, the quests, Kurast is so interesting. It was a huge breath of fresh air and a visual departure from anything I've seen in all three games up to that point. Having this dark, Mayan-esque Swamp/Jungle to explore, the music, atmosphere, everything was really amazing.

    I found it to be the Act I've most enjoyed so far, there wasn't any enemies I found frustrating or annoying, they were addictive and enjoyable to defeat, the dungeons in Kurast were really cool, the temple, Gothic, bloody artistry of the dungeons were amongst some of the most atmospheric dungeons I've played in Diablo (don't get me started on the Durance of Hate.) I loved how this Act mostly left it to my devices, the quests had to be searched out and explored across the Jungles and Cityscapes, I naturally just unravelled the story of Act III as I went along, with the main Goal of reaching the heart of Kurast to kill Mephisto in his prison. The increasing corruption of the city as you ventured further and witnessed what had become of this place, what it could've been like, almost felt Metroid-like and I have no idea why.

    Act III has got to be the most memorable thing thus far. I enjoyed Act I but Act II really annoyed the hell out of me. It's enemies were enraging to my Barbarian class in his earlier levels and the dungeons and landscape got old very quickly (mainly because I've been burnt out by Caldeum in Diablo 3, which at least had its nice Oasis section to break away from the constant dreariness of its locale.) Lut Gholein itself is interesting but I found the Act overall very weak, it picked up majorly towards the end (the Arcane Sanctuary was by far the main stand-out), the Palace was a cool dungeon and Duriel actually didn't annoy me because I landed some nice weapons and I Dual-Wielded his ass to death with the help of some Thawing Potions.

    Personally though, out of all the Acts, Act II has been my least favourite. Kind of like how Act II of Diablo 3 was my least favourite, they're so visually dreary. I'm kind of nervous that in Diablo IV, there is such a huge expanse of desert, two whole regions dedicated to it, I'm hoping they can diversify it more, mainly make their dungeons more engaging and interesting. Considering Kehjistan is explorable, I'm sure we'll see the Oasis's of Caldeum come back, I was hoping to see Kurast as well since that was a former capital of Kehjistan but it's just barely off the map, which is disappointing to say the least.

    I'm curious as to your thoughts and opinions on Act III and Kurast overall, I really loved my time there (not to mention Mephisto is one of my favourite Prime Evils based on aesthetic and visuals alone, fingers-crossed he plays a prominent role in Diablo IV.)

    submitted by /u/_ZERO-ErRoR_ZROE
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    Incoming Era Reset with Patch 2.6.7a - General Discussion

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:54 PM PST

    Should Magic Damage Return in Diablo IV?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:45 AM PST

    Magic damage was a signature damage type of hammerdins and bonemancers in Diablo II. Few monsters were immune to magic and, as far as I know, there weren't any modifiers that increase magic resistance. Compared to other types, magic

    In Diablo III, magic damage is split into arcane and holy. It seems more like a thematic separation than a gameplay mechanic, especially since arcane and holy damage didn't matter in combating monsters. Both are considered the same as a resistance. The bone skills of the necromancer deal physical damage unlike its predecessor.

    So far, none of the classes revealed deal magic/arcane/holy damage.

    Should magic damage return?

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    S19 Season Lvl 1 gambling for Quick Leveling

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Can we yoink a progression option from Diablo 1 and introduce a form of Elixirs as an end-game gold sink?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:43 PM PST

    Fight in a dungeon, kill an enemy, get an item, turn it in with a bunch of gold to get a permanent stat increase. I also remember Blizzard stating somewhere that you can find skill books as drops as well.

    submitted by /u/domiran
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    Not sure if it's been brought up before (probably has), but a return to the 3 (or 4) tiers of items would be cool imo.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Especially for uniques (legendaries). I'd rather see newer and newer items as I moved forward in difficulty (like D2 or PoE) instead of the same ones with upgraded stats just because my level is higher. It'd actually make those items feel legendary or unique since that's literally the only way they can drop, whether they're normal, exceptional, or elite tier items. Even if it's basically like, "Well what's the difference between a Katar and a Qhuab besides damage and requirements?" (Using a D2 reference). It'd still make the items have more weight to them imo, like early on you see a rare hand axe drop or something and you're like sweet, then later on you see a tomahawk drop and you're like hell yea I can do something with this and you socket it or whatnot to make it a dope piece of gear. It'd even be totally different now with their new graphics tech since they can take the time to make these tiers of items actually look different if they decide to go down this route. Basically it adds to the feel of the game and, again, to the weight and uniqueness of the items that drop. Not necessarily the biggest issue, but stuff like this goes a long way imo -- It definitely did in D2, for me at least.

    submitted by /u/Vomitbelch
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    Buying Diablo 2

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:31 PM PST

    I recently bought a run of the mill $300 Windows 10 Laptop.

    Questions are...can it run Diablo 2 without a dedicated graphics card? It has and Intel i3 and 4 GB Ram.

    2...when I buy it from battle.net through Blizzard will it all just be downloaded onto my PC?

    submitted by /u/jumiller20
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    Fan service vs key features

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    First of all, I recognize, I'm a D2 nostalgic. Whenever I try to imagine my ideal D4, I always end up with a carbon copy of D2 with better graphics and QoL. However, I know that if D4 is a different game, things have to change, so my point is that a sequel needs a compromise between preserving the best of its predecessors and changing enough stuff in order to move forward.

    I have the feeling that the devs somehow missed why D2 has been so praised. They're making an approach to D2, taking stuff from it, in order to emulate the most successfully entry, but it sometimes looks like they're randomly picking things from it instead of carefully choosing what to keep and what not.

    Of course, there have been good choices, taking the dark tone, but what I mean is that a good D4 does not require a Barbarian, a Sorceress, a Druid, the campfire character selection screen, the Stone of Jordan, or the "El-Eld-Tir-Nef..." runes. D2 would have been equally successful if we had a Monk instead of a Barbarian, a Mage instead a Sorceress, or whatever instead of a Druid. Same if the character selection screen were a public execution instead of a campfire, or if the runes had a different name and aspect. They're all good winks to old players (and me myself, as a nostalgic, say thanks for it), but I believe they're not the key points, so perhaps they shouldn't be the priorities.

    D2 classes were customizable. They had stat allocations, skill trees (with branches) and that's the important thing to bring from D2 classes, not the classes themselves. Of course I thank you for the classes being the same from D2, but I'm aware that's pure nostalgia, the important point it's not which are the classes but how are they designed.

    Items were cool, rich, with diverse stats, had different tiers each one related with other 2 so you could upgrade, gear requirements which had influence on how do you build your character, and unique ones had low variance, giving them personality, unlike the current D3 ones, where other than the legendary power are random stuff. I believe that these cool things are the important ones to bring from there. It's not important to bring back the SoJ from D2, the important thing is why SoJ was cool at D2.

    Runewords: they're one of the points that most hurts me: fans felt fooled last year when getting "a Diablo" (Immortal), because when you're making teasers during months with "Diablo", you're intentionally making people expect something that's not what they'll get. Same happens here with runewords and D4: you're using a name "runes" that's about grey stones with inscriptions, the names of some of the runes are "Dol", "Fal", "Thul", "Ist", ... Everything exactly the same we had in D2, then to find that the system has nothing to do with that except "uses sockets". I really feel fooled here, as I think that this fanservice borders misleading advertisement. Runes weren't successful because of choosing the names "Dol", "Ist", "Jah" or whatever, or because of being called "runewords" when together, neither because of being a grey stone with an inscription. They were cool because (apart from being OP sometimes, something that wasn't good) they were diverse, they had properties themselves, but when completing a "collection", gave you extra stuff, they had progression, so with 2 or 3 of them you could upgrade and get the next one, they could be used as a currency, they offered different stuff (not the same attribute with a higher number).

    The campfire is also cool. But I'd also sacrifice the campfire in return for other features that really made the difference in D2.

    TL;DR: please don't blindly copy D2 features for the sake of nostalgia. Whatever comes from D2 could feel good to nostalgics (like me), but if we have to bring stuff from there, please give priority to the real important stuff.

    submitted by /u/trollacodel15
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    Which 3 tracks do you consider the best in Diablo series?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:17 AM PST

    Basically title says it. You're free to choose from any game of Diablo series.

    submitted by /u/Maximilian_Sinigr
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    Queue to create games temp ban question

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PST

    I recently came back to D2 and have been doing hell Andy runs on my fborb sorc when I got this temp ban. I googled it and found conflicting information. I was making open games with silly names because they'd only like a minute or so anyway but what I read was if I make private games I can avoid this temp ban while I Mf..is this correct? I haven't been botting.

    submitted by /u/GarageToad
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    Wallpaper: Season 19: Season of Eternal Conflict(Art by Blizzard)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Season 19: Season of Eternal Conflict (Art by blizzard)


    deviantART(logos): http://fav.me/ddkouzj
    deviantART(No Logos): http://fav.me/ddkovxb

    twitter: https://twitter.com/Holyknight3000/status/1196864198984241152


    Here's the latest seasonal wallpaper for Diablo 3 and this time its for the Season of Eternal Conflict.


    Featuring artwork from the amazing Blizzard cinematics department and whoever made the original amazing art for the season news post: @Diablo


    With this I did first try to replicate the piece. I had an older version of the Cinematic Tyrael but it was from like 9 years ago and the quality was so blurry I couldnt use it. I just blew up what blizzard had provided and I tried to negate the jaggies as much as I could. I tried to add a sort of brush stroke filter on it but it didnt work. I eventually got to what I have now. I also decided to add my own personal touches. Namely the tendril wings coming off the "19" as well as the 4 metal corners as well as adding some teal blue glow.


    I think it turned out ok. I just wished there was higher resolution piece like last time. We got spoiled in season 18 guys.


    Well I'll stop rambling enjoy and I'll see you later this week for the next batch of By Three They Come...



    Tyrael & Diablo 3 (C) Blizzard Wallpaper Arranged by me

    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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    Why is Duriel so hard?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    I don't know if I'm just bad at this game entirely but I've been stuck on act two of Diablo 2 for about a year and half now because Duriel destroys me every single time. Anyone have tips on how to kill him? What works best when fighting him?

    submitted by /u/plasticbath2000
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    WEEKLY RAGE THREAD - 11/19/19

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST




    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    The Elephant in the Diablo 4 Room: Botting

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Is Blizzard going to touch on this issue now that the possibility of infinite progression is being openly talked about for Diablo 4? Infinite scaling systems plus botting destroyed any legitimacy of progression on Diablo 3. It also obviously destroyed any competitive aspects, Season after season on every leader-board is a complete and total bot fest.

    Presumably Diablo 4 will have PVP, right? And ladders of some sort? What is Blizzard doing in Diablo 4 to prevent this problem?

    submitted by /u/Ulmaguest
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    Infinite leveling system =/= Paragon system

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    There seems to be a big misconception currently among some people that an infinite leveling system could only be exactly like the current D3-Paragon-System which is just not true.

    There are very good ways of introducing an infinite leveling system with a soft-hard-cap (extreme diminishing return at a certain level) that will give you an "illusion" of constant progression and still allow to be competitive in a D3-Season way without having to endlessly farming Paragon-Levels to be competitive.

    This also highly depends on what benefits the infinite progression system would grant, because the current reward for the paragon system is just too strong which is it's main flaw. If it would provide something that is in a way meaningful but doesn't kill any competitiveness it would create a way better gameplay experience and more motivation to continue playing, since everytime you play there will be noticeable progress.

    That being said, I don't see an issue with an infinite progression system if it's implemented right. This could be accompanied by a normal hard cap level for casual players to get a sense of completion when finishing the Diablo story without the intent of putting in an excessive amount of hours further into the game.

    These are just my thoughts that we shouldn't just limit our views on what the leveling system in D2 and D3 was but how to use both games to come up with an even more interesting system because both have their flaws.

    In my opinion the level-progression-system also could be extended further into a multi-level-progression system where one completion of a level system unlocks the next one with different benefits, those could also be made chose-able to give the player the ability to advance the characters progression into the certain direction.

    You could even limit that to a certain amount of progression systems so you got to choose wisely on which combination you are going for. Which would technically hard-cap it but give you more ways to progress in an interesting way with varying lengths of progression-time.

    submitted by /u/Vinator
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    Why I love Diablo 2

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:29 AM PST

    Running through Dry Hills

    Ignoring all of the pots around me

    Decides to kick one pot - I dunno why ... I just didn't like that pot I guess

    Unique Amulet drops - Nokozan Relic

    submitted by /u/Baka_Tenshi
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    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    So this question came up during the Q&A portion a Diablo Post Mortem conference a few years back. David Brevik, the creator of Diablo, responds "I get asked this a lot and I'm not telling... my wife programmed it and I'm NEVER going to tell you."

    Here's a link to the Q&A for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VscdPA6sUkc&feature=youtu.be&t=4000

    As soon as I saw this, I was immediately reminded of a theory I read years ago... I can't seem to find the article today but here's the gist:

    During development, David Brevik included a sweet message to his wife as an Easter Egg, with the game files...

    Here's how it works. Apparently, if you activate the gem BEFORE beating Diablo (difficulty?) a message will appear during the end game credits (at the very end). I don't remember what it says but it was something like "To my beautiful wife....".

    Now because I don't have D2 installed anymore I haven't been able to confirm this personally--but, if there are any D2 players interested in proving/disproving this theory, I'd be very interested to know what you find. God speed!

    submitted by /u/Bacster__
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    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:48 PM PST

    If it was possible to restructure and present battle.net 3.0 for Diablo 4, wouldn't you all agree that we would be able to regain those lost friendships, have a larger sense of community and finally A PLACE TO IDLE?

    Let me know your thoughts. I know that I wish blizzard would put emphasis on this and make it great if they cared to do so.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Bacca
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    want to start playing differently, not sure where to begin

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:34 PM PST

    So up until this point i've just played D3 in it's surface-level capacity. That is, playing through the main campaign, levelling up and adding items ad-hoc as and when they appear to improve my setup, without much more thought. I've enjoyed it, i've started different characters to get a feel for which I like etc.

    What i've come to realise is there's a whole other aspect to this game around builds, items, sets, and pairing, and reading through places like reddit there is almost an information overload on where to begin to enjoy this side of the game.

    So.. for a new looking to go deeper than just the main play through and adhoc drops/skills - where do you suggest I begin?

    submitted by /u/bajamtz
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    One fear i have is, how blizzard will realize the open world. Please...dont make it so it's all world quests like WoW.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:44 PM PST

    Ill try to keep it short, and if there is a thread on the subject, im sorry.

    As the tittle suggests, if we are going open world, and there will be a PvP, don't go with the BFA/Legion formula. Im not saying some events can't be shown in the world map, but it can easily lead to a slippery slope, where its all bout jumping from one Point of interest to another.

    Go with immersion, make events unknown, some hard, some easy. This will make the world feel alive, and actually give a good sense of community. I can go on and on but i believe lots of people are like minded. A world with world quests to jump from one to another, is not a world, its a job.

    submitted by /u/Makaramambuda
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    If theres 1 thing from the D4 devs that would be top QoL

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Is being able to not have to use mouse lmb/rmb for skills

    Its outdated for the pace of the game, using 3 inputs to manage movement is very clearly redundant, underscored by the console control scheme being far more intuitive for combat, mobas don't even do it not even blizzards moba does it

    HotS and WoW did things correctly I don't understand how this is a thing that never got patched, gamepad support should also be at launch as well tbh

    submitted by /u/patoreddit
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